Laughter and culture
Like most human non-verbal vocalizations, laughter is produced by speakers of all
languages, across all known societies. But despite this obvious fact (or perhaps because of …
languages, across all known societies. But despite this obvious fact (or perhaps because of …
Laughter as language
Understanding the import of laughter, has interested philosophers and literary scholars for
millennia and, more recently, psychologists, biologists, neuroscientists, and linguists …
millennia and, more recently, psychologists, biologists, neuroscientists, and linguists …
A longitudinal characterization of typical laughter development in Mother–child interaction from 12 to 36 months: Formal features and reciprocal responsiveness
Laughter is a valuable means for communicating and engaging in interaction since the
earliest months of life. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of work on how its use develops in …
earliest months of life. Nevertheless, there is a dearth of work on how its use develops in …
Using video calls to study children's conversational development: the case of backchannel signaling
Understanding children's conversational skills is crucial for understanding their social,
cognitive, and linguistic development, with important applications in health and education …
cognitive, and linguistic development, with important applications in health and education …
Growing up laughing: Laughables and pragmatic functions between 12 and 36 months
Laughter serves a wide variety of functions in adult interaction, some of which are quite
sophisticated from a pragmatic perspective. Nevertheless, it is a vocalization that emerges …
sophisticated from a pragmatic perspective. Nevertheless, it is a vocalization that emerges …
Multimodal behavior modeling for socially interactive agents
Imagine you start a conversation with the newest socially interactive agent (SIA), a
humanoid robot or life-size embodied virtual agent. It talks to you and you talk back, but the …
humanoid robot or life-size embodied virtual agent. It talks to you and you talk back, but the …
Linguistic patterning of laughter in human-Socialbot interactions
Laughter is a social behavior that conveys a variety of emotional states and is also intricately
intertwined with linguistic communication. As people increasingly engage with voice …
intertwined with linguistic communication. As people increasingly engage with voice …
Listener-versus speaker-oriented disfluencies in autistic adults: Insights from wearable eye-tracking and skin conductance within a live face-to-face paradigm
Purpose: Our study addresses three main questions:(a) Do autistics and neurotypicals
produce different patterns of disfluencies, depending on the experimenter's direct versus …
produce different patterns of disfluencies, depending on the experimenter's direct versus …
Laughter and language attitudes in students' discussions about language use in Nigeria
The role of laughter in evaluating language use has received little attention in language
attitude research and laughter studies. In this paper, which draws on focus group …
attitude research and laughter studies. In this paper, which draws on focus group …
[HTML][HTML] Laughter entrainment in dyadic interactions: temporal distribution and form
It has been established across a wide range of communicative behaviours that
conversational partners tend to become more similar during their interaction. This …
conversational partners tend to become more similar during their interaction. This …