[HTML][HTML] Highly-efficient double perovskite Mn4+-activated Gd2ZnTiO6 phosphors: A bifunctional optical sensing platform for luminescence thermometry and …

T Zheng, L Luo, P Du, S Lis… - Chemical Engineering …, 2022 - Elsevier
Remote temperature and pressure monitoring provides new and exciting chances to explore
the variation of luminescence properties of compounds under extreme conditions. Herein …

Tm2+ Activated SrB4O7 Bifunctional Sensor of Temperature and Pressure—Highly Sensitive, Multi‐Parameter Luminescence Thermometry and Manometry

T Zheng, M Sójka, M Runowski… - Advanced Optical …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Noninvasive sensing of temperature and pressure offers new and exciting opportunities to
investigate and monitor the variation of physicochemical and spectroscopic properties of …

Huge enhancement of Sm 2+ emission via Eu 2+ energy transfer in a SrB 4 O 7 pressure sensor

T Zheng, M Runowski, P Woźny, S Lis… - Journal of Materials …, 2020 - pubs.rsc.org
Taking advantage of the excellent pressure-sensing properties of the Sm2+ ion in the
SrB4O7 crystal, we demonstrate an enormous enhancement of about 60 times in the …

NIR emission of lanthanides for ultrasensitive luminescence manometry—Er 3+-activated optical sensor of high pressure

M Runowski, T Zheng, P Woźny, P Du - Dalton Transactions, 2021 - pubs.rsc.org
Pressure is an important physical parameter and hence its monitoring is very important for
different industrial and scientific applications. Although commonly used luminescent …

Molecular ruby under pressure

S Otto, JP Harris, K Heinze… - Angewandte Chemie …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
The intensely luminescent chromium (III) complexes [Cr (ddpd) 2] 3+ and [Cr (H2tpda) 2] 3+
show surprising pressure‐induced red shifts of up to− 15 cm− 1 kbar− 1 for their sharp spin …

Quantum Chemical Study of the Pressure‐dependent Phosphorescence of [Cr(ddpd)2]3+ in the Solid State

C Förster, H Osthues, D Schwab, NL Doltsinis… - …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The chromium (III) complex [Cr (ddpd) 2][BF4] 3 shows two spin‐flip emission bands in the
near‐infrared spectral region. These bands shift bathochromically by− 14.1 and− 7.7 cm− 1 …

Phase Transition and vibration properties of MnCO3 at high pressure and high-temperature by Raman spectroscopy

C Zhao, H Li, J Jiang, Y He, W Liang - High Pressure Research, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
The high pressure and high-temperature behavior of MnCO3 was investigated up to 55 GPa
at ambient temperature and up to 573 K at ambient pressure by Raman spectroscopy …

In situ Raman vibrational spectra of siderite (FeCO3) and rhodochrosite (MnCO3) up to 47 GPa and 1100 K

C Wang, L Ren, JB Walters, L Zhang, R Tao - American Mineralogist, 2023 - degruyter.com
Abstract Siderite (FeCO3) and rhodochrosite (MnCO3) are two interesting carbonate
minerals, which normally occur in hydrothermal deposits on deep-sea altered oceanic crust …

Single-standard method for simultaneous pressure and temperature estimation using Sm2+: SrB4O7 fluorescence

AV Romanenko, SV Rashchenko, A Kurnosov… - Journal of Applied …, 2018 - pubs.aip.org
The influence of temperature on fluorescence spectra used for pressure calibration in a
diamond anvil cell (ie, that of ruby) was always considered as an undesirable phenomenon …

Fluorescence pressure sensors: Calibration of ruby, Sm2+: SrB4O7, and Sm3+: YAG to 55 GPa and 850 K

Y Wei, Q Zhou, C Zhang, L Li, X Li, F Li - Journal of Applied Physics, 2024 - pubs.aip.org
In this work, a calibration of ruby, samarium-doped strontium tetraborate (Sm2+: SrB4O7),
and samarium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (Sm3+: YAG) using Raman and fluorescence …