Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: the epidemiologic evidence and the debate

L Punnett, DH Wegman - Journal of electromyography and kinesiology, 2004 - Elsevier
The debate about work-relatedness of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) reflects both
confusion about epidemiologic principles and gaps in the scientific literature. The physical …

Considerations for industrial use: a systematic review of the impact of active and passive upper limb exoskeletons on physical exposures

T McFarland, S Fischer - IISE Transactions on Occupational …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
OCCUPATIONAL APPLICATIONS This paper synthesizes the current literature on industrial-
use, active and passive upper-limb exoskeletons, as an aid to health and safety specialists …

[Књига][B] Introduction to ergonomics

R Bridger - 2008 -
The past decade has seen the development and testing of an increasingly large set of
ergonomics tools. With new sections in every chapter, the third edition of Introduction to …

[Књига][B] Introduction to human factors and ergonomics

R Bridger - 2017 -
Building on the success of previous editions, the 4th edition of 'Introduction to Human
Factors and Ergonomics' provides a comprehensive and up to date introduction to the field …

Influences of different exoskeleton designs and tool mass on physical demands and performance in a simulated overhead drilling task

S Alabdulkarim, MA Nussbaum - Applied ergonomics, 2019 - Elsevier
We compared different passive exoskeletal designs in terms of physical demands (maximum
acceptable frequency= MAF, perceived discomfort, and muscular loading) and quality in a …

Perceived physical demands and reported musculoskeletal problems in registered nurses

AM Trinkoff, JA Lipscomb, J Geiger-Brown… - American journal of …, 2003 - Elsevier
BACKGROUND: Nursing is physically demanding, and nurses have higher rates of
musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) than most other occupational groups. The physical …

A prospective study of work related factors and physical exercise as predictors of shoulder pain

H Miranda, E Viikari-Juntura, R Martikainen… - Occupational and …, 2001 -
OBJECTIVES To evaluate the effects of work related and individual factors as well as
physical activity and sports on the incidence and persistence of shoulder pain among …

Chronic neck and shoulder pain, age, and working conditions: longitudinal results from a large random sample in France

B Cassou, F Derriennic, C Monfort, J Norton… - Occupational and …, 2002 -
Aims: To analyse the effects of age and occupational factors on both the incidence and the
disappearance of chronic neck and shoulder pain after a five year follow up period …

Work related shoulder disorders: quantitative exposure-response relations with reference to arm posture

SW Svendsen, JP Bonde, SE Mathiassen… - Occupational and …, 2004 -
Aims: To determine quantitative exposure-response relations between work with highly
elevated arms and supraspinatus tendinitis, shoulder pain with disability, and shoulder pain …

National occupational research agenda (NORA) future directions in occupational musculoskeletal disorder health research

WS Marras, RG Cutlip, SE Burt, TR Waters - Applied ergonomics, 2009 - Elsevier
Musculoskeletal disorders are among the most costly health care problems facing society
today. The scientific literature has indicated that psychosocial factors, individual factors …