[HTML][HTML] Multifaceted character of shape coexistence phenomena in atomic nuclei

S Leoni, B Fornal, A Bracco, Y Tsunoda… - Progress in Particle and …, 2024 - Elsevier
This article is devoted to a review of decay properties of excited 0+ states in regions of the
nuclear chart well known for shape coexistence phenomena. Even-even isotopes around …

The DESPEC setup for GSI and FAIR

AK Mistry, HM Albers, T Arıcı, A Banerjee… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract The DEcay SPEC troscopy (DESPEC) setup for nuclear structure investigations was
developed and commissioned at GSI, Germany in preparation for a full campaign of …

A novel approach to β-decay: Pandora, a new experimental setup for future in-plasma measurements

D Mascali, D Santonocito, S Amaducci, L Andò… - Universe, 2022 - mdpi.com
Theoretical predictions as well as experiments performed at storage rings have shown that
the lifetimes of β-radionuclides can change significantly as a function of the ionization state …

[HTML][HTML] The shape of the Tz=+ 1 nucleus 94Pd and the role of proton-neutron interactions on the structure of its excited states

A Yaneva, S Jazrawi, M Mikołajczuk, M Górska… - Physics Letters B, 2024 - Elsevier
Reduced transition probabilities have been extracted between excited, yrast states in the N=
Z+ 2 nucleus 94 Pd. The transitions of interest were observed following decays of the I π …

Design study of a HPGe detector array for β-decay investigation in laboratory ECR plasmas

E Naselli, D Santonocito, S Amaducci, L Celona… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
In the frame of the PANDORA project, a new experimental approach aims at measuring in-
plasma β-decay rate as a function of thermodynamical conditions of the environment …

A high resolution γ-ray array for the pandora plasma trap

A Goasduff, D Santonocito, R Menegazzo… - Frontiers in …, 2022 - frontiersin.org
The measurement of β-decay rates in plasma, simulating stellar-like conditions, is of high
interest for the investigation of radionuclides involved in nuclear astrophysics processes. In …

[HTML][HTML] Search for the γ decay of the narrow near-threshold proton resonance in 11B

S Bottoni, G Corbari, S Leoni, B Fornal, A Goasduff… - Physics Letters B, 2024 - Elsevier
The γ decay of the elusive narrow, near-threshold proton resonance in 11 B was
investigated at Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro (INFN) in a particle-γ coincidence …

Conceptual design of the AGATA 2π array at LNL

JJ Valiente-Dobón, R Menegazzo, A Goasduff… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) has been installed at Laboratori
Nazionali di Legnaro (LNL), Italy. In this installation, AGATA will consist, at the beginning, of …

Response of the FAst TIMing array (FATIMA) for DESPEC at FAIR phase-0

MMR Chishti, S Jazrawi, R Shearman… - Nuclear Instruments and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Abstract The Monte-Carlo simulated response for γ-ray detection of the FAst TIMing Array
(FATIMA) for exploitation within the DEcay SPECtroscopy (DESPEC) experimental system at …

Level scheme study of : Searching for evidence of core excitation

Z Huang, GX Zhang, GL Zhang, SP Hu, SM Lenzi… - Physical Review C, 2022 - APS
Excited states in Mo 92 are populated via the Y 89 (Li 6, 3 n) Mo 92 reaction at the tandem of
XTU, INFN-LNL. The level scheme of Mo 92 is revised and expanded considerably by the γ …