Flavonoid biosynthetic pathways in plants: Versatile targets for metabolic engineering
Plants, fungi, and microorganisms are equipped with biosynthesis machinery for producing
thousands of secondary metabolites. These compounds have important functions in nature …
thousands of secondary metabolites. These compounds have important functions in nature …
The re-emergence of natural products for drug discovery in the genomics era
Natural products have been a rich source of compounds for drug discovery. However, their
use has diminished in the past two decades, in part because of technical barriers to …
use has diminished in the past two decades, in part because of technical barriers to …
Escherichia coli as a host for metabolic engineering
Over the past century, Escherichia coli has become one of the best studied organisms on
earth. Features such as genetic tractability, favorable growth conditions, well characterized …
earth. Features such as genetic tractability, favorable growth conditions, well characterized …
Production, separation and applications of phenolic-rich bio-oil–a review
JS Kim - Bioresource technology, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper provides an overview of current research trends in the production and separation
of phenolic-rich bio-oils, as well as their applications. The first part of this paper highlights …
of phenolic-rich bio-oils, as well as their applications. The first part of this paper highlights …
Microbial production of natural and non-natural flavonoids: pathway engineering, directed evolution and systems/synthetic biology
In this review, we address recent advances made in pathway engineering, directed
evolution, and systems/synthetic biology approaches employed in the production and …
evolution, and systems/synthetic biology approaches employed in the production and …
Microbial acetyl-CoA metabolism and metabolic engineering
Recent concerns over the sustainability of petrochemical-based processes for production of
desired chemicals have fueled research into alternative modes of production. Metabolic …
desired chemicals have fueled research into alternative modes of production. Metabolic …
Exogenous abscisic acid induces the lipid and flavonoid metabolism of tea plants under drought stress
Z Gai, YU Wang, Y Ding, W Qian, C Qiu, H **e, L Sun… - Scientific reports, 2020 - nature.com
Abscisic acid (ABA) is an important phytohormone responsible for activating drought
resistance, but the regulation mechanism of exogenous ABA on tea plants under drought …
resistance, but the regulation mechanism of exogenous ABA on tea plants under drought …
Exacerbation of substrate toxicity by IPTG in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) carrying a synthetic metabolic pathway
Background Heterologous expression systems based on promoters inducible with isopropyl-
β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), eg, Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) and cognate LacI Q/P …
β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), eg, Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) and cognate LacI Q/P …
Metabolic engineering of microorganisms for production of aromatic compounds
Metabolic engineering has been enabling development of high performance microbial
strains for the efficient production of natural and non-natural compounds from renewable …
strains for the efficient production of natural and non-natural compounds from renewable …
Experimental and computational optimization of an Escherichia coli co-culture for the efficient production of flavonoids
Metabolic engineering and synthetic biology have enabled the use of microbial production
platforms for the renewable production of many high-value natural products. Titers and …
platforms for the renewable production of many high-value natural products. Titers and …