Orbital-free density functional theory: An attractive electronic structure method for large-scale first-principles simulations
Kohn–Sham Density Functional Theory (KSDFT) is the most widely used electronic structure
method in chemistry, physics, and materials science, with thousands of calculations cited …
method in chemistry, physics, and materials science, with thousands of calculations cited …
From DFT to machine learning: recent approaches to materials science–a review
Recent advances in experimental and computational methods are increasing the quantity
and complexity of generated data. This massive amount of raw data needs to be stored and …
and complexity of generated data. This massive amount of raw data needs to be stored and …
Artificial intelligence for science in quantum, atomistic, and continuum systems
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are fueling a new paradigm of discoveries in natural
sciences. Today, AI has started to advance natural sciences by improving, accelerating, and …
sciences. Today, AI has started to advance natural sciences by improving, accelerating, and …
Quantum chemical accuracy from density functional approximations via machine learning
Kohn-Sham density functional theory (DFT) is a standard tool in most branches of chemistry,
but accuracies for many molecules are limited to 2-3 kcal⋅ mol− 1 with presently-available …
but accuracies for many molecules are limited to 2-3 kcal⋅ mol− 1 with presently-available …
The TensorMol-0.1 model chemistry: a neural network augmented with long-range physics
Traditional force fields cannot model chemical reactivity, and suffer from low generality
without re-fitting. Neural network potentials promise to address these problems, offering …
without re-fitting. Neural network potentials promise to address these problems, offering …
Bypassing the Kohn-Sham equations with machine learning
Abstract Last year, at least 30,000 scientific papers used the Kohn–Sham scheme of density
functional theory to solve electronic structure problems in a wide variety of scientific fields …
functional theory to solve electronic structure problems in a wide variety of scientific fields …
Quantum machine learning for chemistry and physics
Machine learning (ML) has emerged as a formidable force for identifying hidden but
pertinent patterns within a given data set with the objective of subsequent generation of …
pertinent patterns within a given data set with the objective of subsequent generation of …
Kohn-Sham equations as regularizer: Building prior knowledge into machine-learned physics
Including prior knowledge is important for effective machine learning models in physics and
is usually achieved by explicitly adding loss terms or constraints on model architectures …
is usually achieved by explicitly adding loss terms or constraints on model architectures …
wACSF—Weighted atom-centered symmetry functions as descriptors in machine learning potentials
We introduce weighted atom-centered symmetry functions (wACSFs) as descriptors of a
chemical system's geometry for use in the prediction of chemical properties such as …
chemical system's geometry for use in the prediction of chemical properties such as …
Deep dive into machine learning density functional theory for materials science and chemistry
With the growth of computational resources, the scope of electronic structure simulations has
increased greatly. Artificial intelligence and robust data analysis hold the promise to …
increased greatly. Artificial intelligence and robust data analysis hold the promise to …