Belief functions and rough sets: Survey and new insights

A Campagner, D Ciucci, T Denœux - International Journal of Approximate …, 2022‏ - Elsevier
Rough set theory and belief function theory, two popular mathematical frameworks for
uncertainty representation, have been widely applied in different settings and contexts …

Three-way decision for handling uncertainty in machine learning: A narrative review

A Campagner, F Cabitza, D Ciucci - … , IJCRS 2020, Havana, Cuba, June 29 …, 2020‏ - Springer
In this work we introduce a framework, based on three-way decision (TWD) and the
trisecting-acting-outcome model, to handle uncertainty in Machine Learning (ML). We …

American sign language words recognition of skeletal videos using processed video driven multi-stacked deep LSTM

SB Abdullahi, K Chamnongthai - Sensors, 2022‏ -
Complex hand gesture interactions among dynamic sign words may lead to
misclassification, which affects the recognition accuracy of the ubiquitous sign language …

A general framework for evaluating and comparing soft clusterings

A Campagner, D Ciucci, T Denœux - Information Sciences, 2023‏ - Elsevier
In this article, we propose a general framework for the development of external evaluation
measures for soft clustering. Our proposal is based on the interpretation of soft clustering as …

Orthopartitions and soft clustering: soft mutual information measures for clustering validation

A Campagner, D Ciucci - Knowledge-Based Systems, 2019‏ - Elsevier
In this work, we introduce the notion of orthopartition as a generalized partition with
uncertainty. Several entropy-based measures are then developed to measure this intrinsic …

A distributional framework for evaluation, comparison and uncertainty quantification in soft clustering

A Campagner, D Ciucci, T Denœux - International Journal of Approximate …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
In this article, we propose and study a general framework for comparing and evaluating soft
clusterings, viewed as a form of uncertainty quantification for clustering tasks, with the aim of …

A distributional approach for soft clustering comparison and evaluation

A Campagner, D Ciucci, T Denœux - International Conference on Belief …, 2022‏ - Springer
The development of external evaluation criteria for soft clustering (SC) has received limited
attention: existing methods do not provide a general approach to extend comparison …

Comparative analysis of centrality measures of network nodes based on principal component analysis

IY Eremeev, MV Tatarka, FL Shuvaev… - Informatics and …, 2020‏ -
The analysis of networks of a diverse nature, which are citation networks, social networks or
information and communication networks, includes the study of topological properties that …

Анализ мер центральности узлов сетей на основе метода главных компонент

ИЮ Еремеев, МВ Татарка, ФЛ Шуваев… - Информатика и …, 2020‏ -
Аннотация Анализ сетей разнообразной природы, которыми являются сети
цитирования, а также социальные или информационно-коммуникационные сети …

[HTML][HTML] Определение оптимального набора метрик подобия графов в задачах распознавания топологий техногенных космических объектов

НВ Груздев, ФЛ Шуваев - Информационно-управляющие …, 2024‏ -
Введение: в условиях техногенного засорения околоземного космического
пространства актуальной остается задача анализа результатов наблюдений за …