A Guided Tour of ab initio Nuclear Many-Body Theory
H Hergert - Frontiers in Physics, 2020 - frontiersin.org
Over the last decade, new developments in Similarity Renormalization Group techniques
and nuclear many-body methods have dramatically increased the capabilities of ab initio …
and nuclear many-body methods have dramatically increased the capabilities of ab initio …
Equations of state for supernovae and compact stars
M Oertel, M Hempel, T Klähn, S Typel - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2017 - APS
A review is given of various theoretical approaches for the equation of state (EoS) of dense
matter, relevant for the description of core-collapse supernovae, compact stars, and compact …
matter, relevant for the description of core-collapse supernovae, compact stars, and compact …
Microscopic clustering in light nuclei
This review examines the tendency of light nuclei to exhibit clustering, where correlations
between nucleons result in the formation of precipitates, typically α particles. The …
between nucleons result in the formation of precipitates, typically α particles. The …
Quantum Monte Carlo methods for nuclear physics
Quantum Monte Carlo methods have proved valuable to study the structure and reactions of
light nuclei and nucleonic matter starting from realistic nuclear interactions and currents …
light nuclei and nucleonic matter starting from realistic nuclear interactions and currents …
Accurate nuclear radii and binding energies from a chiral interaction
With the goal of develo** predictive ab initio capability for light and medium-mass nuclei,
two-nucleon and three-nucleon forces from chiral effective field theory are optimized …
two-nucleon and three-nucleon forces from chiral effective field theory are optimized …
Improved chiral nucleon-nucleon potential up to next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order
We present improved nucleon-nucleon potentials derived in chiral effective field theory up to
next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order. We argue that the nonlocal momentum-space …
next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order. We argue that the nonlocal momentum-space …
The reaction and its implications for stellar helium burning
The creation of carbon and oxygen in our Universe is one of the forefront questions in
nuclear astrophysics. The determination of the abundance of these elements is key to our …
nuclear astrophysics. The determination of the abundance of these elements is key to our …
Complex paths around the sign problem
The Monte Carlo evaluation of path integrals is one of a few general purpose methods to
approach strongly coupled systems. It is used in all branches of physics, from QCD and …
approach strongly coupled systems. It is used in all branches of physics, from QCD and …
Three-nucleon forces: Implementation and applications to atomic nuclei and dense matter
K Hebeler - Physics Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent advances in nuclear structure theory have significantly enlarged the accessible part
of the nuclear landscape via ab initio many-body calculations. These developments open …
of the nuclear landscape via ab initio many-body calculations. These developments open …
Unified ab initio approaches to nuclear structure and reactions
The description of nuclei starting from the constituent nucleons and the realistic interactions
among them has been a long-standing goal in nuclear physics. In addition to the complex …
among them has been a long-standing goal in nuclear physics. In addition to the complex …