Reviewing ensemble classification methods in breast cancer
Context Ensemble methods consist of combining more than one single technique to solve
the same task. This approach was designed to overcome the weaknesses of single …
the same task. This approach was designed to overcome the weaknesses of single …
Data preprocessing for heart disease classification: A systematic literature review
Context Early detection of heart disease is an important challenge since 17.3 million people
yearly lose their lives due to heart diseases. Besides, any error in diagnosis of cardiac …
yearly lose their lives due to heart diseases. Besides, any error in diagnosis of cardiac …
Software effort estimation accuracy prediction of machine learning techniques: A systematic performance evaluation
Software effort estimation accuracy is a key factor in effective planning, controlling, and
delivering a successful software project within budget and schedule. The overestimation and …
delivering a successful software project within budget and schedule. The overestimation and …
Exploring data mining and machine learning in gynecologic oncology
Gynecologic (GYN) malignancies are gaining new and much-needed attention, perpetually
fueling literature. Intra-/inter-tumor heterogeneity and “frightened” global distribution by race …
fueling literature. Intra-/inter-tumor heterogeneity and “frightened” global distribution by race …
Software effort estimation modeling and fully connected artificial neural network optimization using soft computing techniques
In software engineering, the planning and budgeting stages of a software project are of great
importance to all stakeholders, including project managers as well as clients. The estimated …
importance to all stakeholders, including project managers as well as clients. The estimated …
Machine learning for software engineering: A tertiary study
Machine learning (ML) techniques increase the effectiveness of software engineering (SE)
lifecycle activities. We systematically collected, quality-assessed, summarized, and …
lifecycle activities. We systematically collected, quality-assessed, summarized, and …
Heterogeneous ensemble model to optimize software effort estimation accuracy
The software industry has experienced rapid expansion in recent years, with software
development now essential to the success of many multinational corporations. The demand …
development now essential to the success of many multinational corporations. The demand …
Data-driven effort estimation techniques of agile user stories: a systematic literature review
At an early stage in the development process, a development team must obtain insight into
the software being developed to establish a reliable plan. Thus, the team members should …
the software being developed to establish a reliable plan. Thus, the team members should …
Research patterns and trends in software effort estimation
Context Software effort estimation (SEE) is most crucial activity in the field of software
engineering. Vast research has been conducted in SEE resulting into a tremendous …
engineering. Vast research has been conducted in SEE resulting into a tremendous …
Investigating the use of random forest in software effort estimation
Over the last two decades, there has been an important increase in studies dealing with the
software development effort estimation (SDEE) using machine learning (ML) techniques that …
software development effort estimation (SDEE) using machine learning (ML) techniques that …