Leveraging the data lake: current state and challenges
The digital transformation leads to massive amounts of heterogeneous data challenging
traditional data warehouse solutions in enterprises. In order to exploit these complex data for …
traditional data warehouse solutions in enterprises. In order to exploit these complex data for …
Design methods for the new database era: a systematic literature review
Over the last decade, a range of new database solutions and technologies have emerged, in
line with the new types of applications and requirements that they facilitate. Consequently …
line with the new types of applications and requirements that they facilitate. Consequently …
A software reference architecture for semantic-aware Big Data systems
Abstract Context: Big Data systems are a class of software systems that ingest, store,
process and serve massive amounts of heterogeneous data, from multiple sources. Despite …
process and serve massive amounts of heterogeneous data, from multiple sources. Despite …
MDA-based approach for NoSQL databases modelling
It is widely accepted today that relational systems are not appropriate to handle Big Data.
This has led to a new category of databases commonly known as NoSQL databases that …
This has led to a new category of databases commonly known as NoSQL databases that …
Mortadelo: Automatic generation of NoSQL stores from platform-independent data models
In the last decade, several NoSQL systems have emerged as a response to the scalability
problems manifested by classical relational databases when used in Big Data contexts …
problems manifested by classical relational databases when used in Big Data contexts …
Answering GPSJ queries in a polystore: A dataspace-based approach
The discipline of data science is steering analysts away from traditional data warehousing
and towards a more flexible and lightweight approach to data analysis. The idea is to …
and towards a more flexible and lightweight approach to data analysis. The idea is to …
Designing NoSQL databases based on multiple requirement views
In recent years, new data characteristics led to the development of new database
management systems named NoSQL. As opposed to the mature Relational databases …
management systems named NoSQL. As opposed to the mature Relational databases …
Self-tuning Database Systems: A Systematic Literature Review of Automatic Database Schema Design and Tuning
Self-tuning is a feature of autonomic databases that includes the problem of automatic
schema design. It aims at providing an optimized schema that increases the overall …
schema design. It aims at providing an optimized schema that increases the overall …
A schema-first formalism for labeled property graph databases: Enabling structured data loading and analytics
Graph databases provide better support for highly interconnected datasets than relational
databases. However, labeled property graph databases, which have become increasingly …
databases. However, labeled property graph databases, which have become increasingly …
UMLtoNoSQL: Automatic transformation of conceptual schema to NoSQL databases
Volume, Variety and Velocity are the three dimensions that have definitely changed the tools
we need to store and process Big Data effectively, giving rise to NoSQL systems for faster …
we need to store and process Big Data effectively, giving rise to NoSQL systems for faster …