Switching equivalence in symmetric n-sigraphs-IV

PSK Reddy, MC Geetha, KR Rajanna - Scientia Magna, 2011 - go.gale.com
An n-tuple ([a. sub. 1],[a. sub. 2],...,[a. sub. n]) is symmetric, if [MATHEMATICAL

[PDF][PDF] The Line n-sigraph of a symmetric nsigraph-III

PSK Reddy, V Lokesha, GR Vaidya - Int. J. Open Problems in Computer …, 2010 - emis.de
Abstract An n-tuple (a1, a2,..., an) is symmetric, if ak= an− k+ 1, 1≤ k≤ n. Let Hn={(a1, a2,...,
an): ak∈{+,−}, ak= an− k+ 1, 1≤ k≤ n} be the set of all symmetric n-tuples. A symmetric n …

[PDF][PDF] Note on Full Signed Graphs and Full Line Signed Graphs

PS Swamy, KAA Alloush - International J. Math. Combin, 2023 - fs.unm.edu
In this paper, we introduced the new notions full signed graph and full line signed graph of a
signed graph and its properties are obtained. Also, we obtained the structural …

[PDF][PDF] A note on switching in symmetric n-sigraphs

PSK Reddy, B Prashanth, KS Permi - Notes on Number Theory and …, 2011 - nntdm.net
A note on switching in symmetric n-sigraphs 1 Introduction Page 1 NNTDM 17 (2011), 3, 22-25
A note on switching in symmetric n-sigraphs P. Siva Kota Reddy, B. Prashanth and Kavita S …

[PDF][PDF] Switching equivalence in symmetric n-sigraphs-V

RSK Reddy, MC Geetha… - International Journal of …, 2012 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
An n-tuple (a1, a2,..., an) is symmetric, if ak= an− k+ 1, 1≤ k≤ n. Let Hn={(a1, a2,···, an):
ak∈{+,−}, ak= an− k+ 1, 1≤ k≤ n} be the set of all symmetric n-tuples. A symmetric n …

The Line n-sigraph of a symmetric n-sigraph-IV

PSK Reddy, KM Nagaraja… - International J. Math …, 2012 - books.google.com
The Line n-sigraph of a symmetric n-sigraph-IV Page 111 International J. Math. Combin . Vol. 1
(2012), 106-112 The Line n -Sigraph of a Symmetric n -Sigraph-IV P. Siva Kota Reddy†, KM …

The Line n-sigraph of a Symmetric n-sigraph-V.

P Reddy, KM Nagaraja… - Kyungpook Mathematical …, 2014 - search.ebscohost.com
An n-tuple (a< sub> 1, a< sub> 2,..., a< sub> n) is symmetric, if a< sub> k= a< sub> n-k+ 1,
1≤ k≤ n. Let Hn={(a< sub> 1, a< sub> 2,..., a< sub> n): a< sub> k∈{+,-}, a< sub> k= a< …

In the Euclidean Space E4

D Sağlam - … Journal of Mathematical Combinatorics, Volume 3 …, 2012 - books.google.com
In the Euclidean space E¹, there is a unique quaternionic sphere for a real quaternionic
curvea: I CR→ QH such that it touches a at the fourth order at a (0). In this paper, we studied …

[PDF][PDF] Note on Wing Symmetric n-Sigraphs

J Rodrigues, KB Mahesh… - Annals of Pure and …, 2023 - researchmathsci.org
Note on Wing Symmetric n-Sigraphs Page 1 Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics Vol. 28,
No. 1, 2023, 1-6 ISSN: 2279-087X (P), 2279-0888(online) Published on 20 July 2023 …

[PDF][PDF] On Full Block Signed Graphs

P Somashekar, KAA Alloush - International Journal of Mathematical …, 2023 - fs.unm.edu
On Full Block Signed Graphs Page 64 International J. Math. Combin. Vol. 2 (2023), 59-64 On
Full Block Signed Graphs Swamy1, P. Somashekar2 and Khaled AA Alloush3 1. Department of …