Nonlinear realization and hidden local symmetries
M Bando, T Kugo, K Yamawaki - Physics Reports, 1988 - Elsevier
The idea of dynamical gauge bosons of hidden local symmetries in nonlinear sigma models
is reviewed. Starting with a fresh look at the Goldstone theorem and low energy theorems …
is reviewed. Starting with a fresh look at the Goldstone theorem and low energy theorems …
Hidden local symmetry at loop: A New perspective of composite gauge boson and chiral phase transition
M Harada, K Yamawaki - Physics Reports, 2003 - Elsevier
We develop an effective field theory of QCD and QCD-like theories beyond the Standard
Model, based on the hidden local symmetry (HLS) model for the pseudoscalar mesons (π) …
Model, based on the hidden local symmetry (HLS) model for the pseudoscalar mesons (π) …
[ספר][B] Effective action in quantum gravity
IL Buchbinder - 2017 - taylorfrancis.com
In part one of Effective Action in Quantum Gravity, the book describes the principles of
quantum field theory and the significance of and theory behind effective action. Part two …
quantum field theory and the significance of and theory behind effective action. Part two …
Scale-invariant hypercolor model and a dilaton
K Yamawaki, M Bando, K Matumoto - Physical Review Letters, 1986 - APS
We propose a scale-invariant hypercolor model with a nontrivial ultraviolet fixed point having
large anomalous dimension, which resolves the notorious flavor-changing neutral-current …
large anomalous dimension, which resolves the notorious flavor-changing neutral-current …
Chiral hierarchies and flavor-changing neutral currents in hypercolor
T Appelquist, D Karabali, LCR Wijewardhana - Physical Review Letters, 1986 - APS
Dynamical chiral-symmetry breaking in asymptotically free theories with a slowly running
coupling is analyzed. When the confinement scale Λ is much less than the cutoff M beyond …
coupling is analyzed. When the confinement scale Λ is much less than the cutoff M beyond …
Spontaneous chiral-symmetry breaking in three-dimensional QED
TW Appelquist, M Bowick, D Karabali… - Physical Review D, 1986 - APS
A detailed analysis is given of chiral-symmetry breaking in the large-flavor (N) limit of
quantum electrodynamics in (2+ 1) dimensions. Analytical and numerical solutions of the …
quantum electrodynamics in (2+ 1) dimensions. Analytical and numerical solutions of the …
B Holdom - Physics Letters B, 1985 - Elsevier
A theory with a slowly varying running coupling constant can have several scales of chiral
symmetry breaking all separated from the scale of confinement. This is indicated by a …
symmetry breaking all separated from the scale of confinement. This is indicated by a …
Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking with large anomalous dimension and t quark condensate
VA Miransky, M Tanabashi, K Yamawaki - Physics Letters B, 1989 - Elsevier
A new class of models with dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking is proposed. In these
models the composite operator ψ ψ has a large anomalous dimension γm≅ 2 and the t …
models the composite operator ψ ψ has a large anomalous dimension γm≅ 2 and the t …
Is the t Quark Responsible for the Mass of W and Z Bosons?
VA Miransky, M Tanabashi, K Yamawaki - Modern Physics Letters A, 1989 - World Scientific
Based on the dynamical model having a large anomalous dimension γm≃ 2, we propose
that the t quark condensate is responsible for the mass of W and Z bosons within the …
that the t quark condensate is responsible for the mass of W and Z bosons within the …
Semiclassics for the QCD vacuum structure through T2-compactification with the baryon-'t Hooft flux
Y Hayashi, Y Tanizaki - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024 - Springer
A bstract We study QCD vacuum structure with the topological θ angle using a recently
proposed semiclassical approach on ℝ 2× T 2 with the't Hooft and baryon magnetic fluxes …
proposed semiclassical approach on ℝ 2× T 2 with the't Hooft and baryon magnetic fluxes …