Energy efficient location aided routing protocol for wireless MANETs

MA Mikki - arxiv preprint arxiv:0909.0093, 2009‏ -
A Mobile Ad-Hoc Network (MANET) is a collection of wireless mobile nodes forming a
temporary network without using any centralized access point, infrastructure, or centralized …

Improving MPR selection algorithm in OLSR protocol based on node localization technology

W Anbao, Z Bin - Journal of networks, 2014‏ -
The MPR technology in the OLSR routing protocol is described, it is pointed out that there
are some limitations when the default heuristic algorithm in this protocol is used to find the …

[PDF][PDF] An improved algorithm of the node localization in Ad Hoc network

W Anbao, Z Bin - Journal of Networks, 2014‏ - Citeseer
If the destination node is far from the source node, the transmission of the routing control
information for the destination node has some delay and will then affect the accuracy of the …

Realize 1-hop node localization based on olsr protocol in ad hoc networks

W Anbao, Z Bin - … of 2012 2nd International Conference on …, 2012‏ -
In wireless Ad Hoc network's many applications, learning accurately the position of the node
is one of its important conditions. Node walks randomly in wireless Ad Hoc network, thus it …

Self-organizing network optimization via placement of additional nodes

M Tarasov - 2014‏ -
The main research area of the International Graduate School on Mobile Communication (GS
Mobicom) at Ilmenau University of Technology is communication in disaster scenarios. Due …

Realize node localization based on OLSR protocol in Ad Hoc networks

W Anbao, Z Bin - International Journal of Networked and Distributed …, 2013‏ - Springer
Abstract In wireless Ad Hoc network's many applications, learning accurately the position of
the node is one of its important conditions. Node walks randomly in wireless Ad Hoc …

Location estimation based routing for mobile adhoc network

S Mukherjee, GP Biswas - Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy …, 2018‏ -
Mobile Ad hoc networks (MANET) are multi hop networks, which are self organized, self
configured and their topologies are changed dynamically. The destination node may be out …

Survey on multi-hop vehicular ad hoc networks under IEEE 802.16 technology

GAG Mosqueda, RA Santos… - Intech Mobile Ad …, 2011‏ -
Today, there are many existing technologies designed to make vehicular road travel safer,
easier and more enjoyable, using geographical positioning system, proximity sensors …

[PDF][PDF] Review of WiMax Services & Security Threats

EVK Sharma, S Rani, P Singh - 2014‏ - Citeseer
Now a day, there is a lot of technologies for communication. Wimax is an anticipated
technology for wireless communication. Its aim is to provide high data rate at low cost. In this …

Realize localization in routing table in wireless networks

W Anbao, Z Bin - … of 2012 2nd International Conference on …, 2012‏ -
Learning accurately the position of the node is one of its important conditions in wireless
network, therefore, the node localization technology is one of the difficult and important …