Fractal structures in nonlinear dynamics

J Aguirre, RL Viana, MAF Sanjuán - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2009 - APS
In addition to the striking beauty inherent in their complex nature, fractals have become a
fundamental ingredient of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory since they were defined in …

The fractal geometry of the cosmic web and its formation

J Gaite - Advances in Astronomy, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
The cosmic web structure is studied with the concepts and methods of fractal geometry,
employing the adhesion model of cosmological dynamics as a basic reference. The …

Statistical physics for cosmic structures

L Pietronero, FS Labini - Complexity, Metastability and …, 2005 - World Scientific
Galaxy structures form a complex irregular pattern, characterized by clusters of galaxies
which are organized in filaments around large voids. Recently the Sloan Digital Sky Survey …

Glass-like universe: Real-space correlation properties of standard cosmological models

A Gabrielli, M Joyce, FS Labini - Physical Review D, 2002 - APS
After reviewing the basic relevant properties of stationary stochastic processes (SSP),
defining basic terms and quantities, we discuss the properties of the so-called Harrison …

The scale of cosmic isotropy

C Marinoni, J Bel, A Buzzi - Journal of Cosmology and …, 2012 -
The most fundamental premise to the standard model of the universe states that the large-
scale properties of the universe are the same in all directions and at all comoving positions …

Statistical analysis of large-scale structure in the Universe

M Kerscher - Statistical Physics and Spatial Statistics: The art of …, 2000 - Springer
Methods for the statistical characterization of the large-scale structure in the Universe will be
the main topic of the present text. The focus is on geometrical methods, mainly Minkowski …

Relationships between correlation lengths and integral scales for covariance models with more than two parameters

DT Hristopulos, M Žukovič - Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk …, 2011 - Springer
In geostatistical applications, the terms correlation length and range are often used
interchangeably and refer to a characteristic covariance length ξ that normalizes the lag …

Correlation function: biasing and fractal properties of the cosmic web

J Einasto, G Hütsi, T Kuutma, M Einasto - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2020 -
Aims. Our goal is to determine how the spatial correlation function of galaxies describes
biasing and fractal properties of the cosmic web. Methods. We calculated spatial correlation …

Fractal holography: A geometric re-interpretation of cosmological large scale structure

JR Mureika - Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2007 -
The fractal dimension of large scale galaxy clustering has been reported to be roughly DF∼
2 from a wide range of redshift surveys. If correct, this statistic is of interest for two main …

Fractal study on Saraswati supercluster

V Raj, MS Swapna, S Soumya… - Indian Journal of …, 2019 - Springer
The study of galaxies and superclusters is a major field of interest of astrophysicists. With the
development of modern advanced telescopes and data acquisition systems, scientists could …