[HTML][HTML] Reappraisal of DEMs, Radar and optical datasets in lineaments extraction with emphasis on the spatial context
Lineaments map** is an authentic issue for deciphering the tectonic setting, geological
history, mineral prospecting, and other several applications. Consequently, the study …
history, mineral prospecting, and other several applications. Consequently, the study …
Extraction and analysis of geological lineaments combining a DEM and remote sensing images from the northern Baoji loess area
L Han, Z Liu, Y Ning, Z Zhao - Advances in Space Research, 2018 - Elsevier
Geological lineaments are important reactant of geological structure on the surface, and
control the distribution of regional groundwater, geohazards, geothermal and earthquakes …
control the distribution of regional groundwater, geohazards, geothermal and earthquakes …
Computer vision-based framework for extracting tectonic lineaments from optical remote sensing data
The extraction of tectonic lineaments from digital satellite data is a fundamental application
in remote sensing. The location of tectonic lineaments such as faults and dykes are of …
in remote sensing. The location of tectonic lineaments such as faults and dykes are of …
High-resolution electrical resistivity tomography and seismic refraction for groundwater exploration in fracture hard rocks: A case study in Kanthan, Perak, Malaysia
This research article describes the integration of high-resolution electrical resistivity
tomography (ERT) and seismic refraction to explore potential groundwater in fracture …
tomography (ERT) and seismic refraction to explore potential groundwater in fracture …
SBAS-InSAR/GNSS surface deformation assessment in arid environments of Najran, Saudi Arabia
Multiple surface fissures were reported over the last few years within the Najran valley,
southern Saudi Arabia. The earth fissures have been observed mainly in the vicinity of …
southern Saudi Arabia. The earth fissures have been observed mainly in the vicinity of …
GIS-based bivariate statistical techniques for groundwater potential analysis (an example of Iran)
Groundwater potential analysis prepares better comprehension of hydrological settings of
different regions. This study shows the potency of two GIS-based data driven bivariate …
different regions. This study shows the potency of two GIS-based data driven bivariate …
[PDF][PDF] Simulation of saltwater intrusion in a poorly karstified coastal aquifer in Lebanon (Eastern Mediterranean)
WM Khadra, PJ Stuyfzand - 2018 - scholarworks.aub.edu.lb
To date, there has been no agreement on the best way to simulate saltwater intrusion (SWI)
in karst aquifers. An equivalent porous medium (EPM) is usually assumed without …
in karst aquifers. An equivalent porous medium (EPM) is usually assumed without …
Highlighting Volcanic Outcrops by Map** Geological Lineaments Using Satellite Data in he Saka Region, North-East Morocco
The Saka region and its environs are situated in the northeastern part of Morocco. This study
aimed to optimize automated lineament extraction based on the comparing of Landsat-8 …
aimed to optimize automated lineament extraction based on the comparing of Landsat-8 …
Association of the relationship between tectonic lineaments and natural springs around Nigde Massif, central Anatolia, Turkey
R Demircioğlu - Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2024 - Springer
In this study, the aim was to determine the relationship between tectonic lineaments derived
from satellite data and springs. The study area covers Gümüşler (Nigde) and its …
from satellite data and springs. The study area covers Gümüşler (Nigde) and its …
Estimating annual CO2 emissions and building a leakage scenario in a tectonically quiescent area
S Yu, G Chae, SW Kim, HR Kim, CY Kim, G Seok… - Journal of Geochemical …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Soil CO 2 flux (FCO 2) was intensively measured in a natural CO 2 emission site
located in a tectonically quiescent area, with topographic and geophysical investigation, to …
located in a tectonically quiescent area, with topographic and geophysical investigation, to …