[HTML][HTML] Reappraisal of DEMs, Radar and optical datasets in lineaments extraction with emphasis on the spatial context

A Shebl, Á Csámer - Remote Sensing Applications: Society and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Lineaments map** is an authentic issue for deciphering the tectonic setting, geological
history, mineral prospecting, and other several applications. Consequently, the study …

Extraction and analysis of geological lineaments combining a DEM and remote sensing images from the northern Baoji loess area

L Han, Z Liu, Y Ning, Z Zhao - Advances in Space Research, 2018 - Elsevier
Geological lineaments are important reactant of geological structure on the surface, and
control the distribution of regional groundwater, geohazards, geothermal and earthquakes …

Computer vision-based framework for extracting tectonic lineaments from optical remote sensing data

E Farahbakhsh, R Chandra, HKH Olierook… - … Journal of Remote …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The extraction of tectonic lineaments from digital satellite data is a fundamental application
in remote sensing. The location of tectonic lineaments such as faults and dykes are of …

High-resolution electrical resistivity tomography and seismic refraction for groundwater exploration in fracture hard rocks: A case study in Kanthan, Perak, Malaysia

SCH Lee, KAM Noh, MNA Zakariah - Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2021 - Elsevier
This research article describes the integration of high-resolution electrical resistivity
tomography (ERT) and seismic refraction to explore potential groundwater in fracture …

SBAS-InSAR/GNSS surface deformation assessment in arid environments of Najran, Saudi Arabia

E Adem, A Chaabani, A Elfeki, L Zhang… - Earth Systems and …, 2023 - Springer
Multiple surface fissures were reported over the last few years within the Najran valley,
southern Saudi Arabia. The earth fissures have been observed mainly in the vicinity of …

GIS-based bivariate statistical techniques for groundwater potential analysis (an example of Iran)

A Haghizadeh, DD Moghaddam… - Journal of Earth System …, 2017 - Springer
Groundwater potential analysis prepares better comprehension of hydrological settings of
different regions. This study shows the potency of two GIS-based data driven bivariate …

[PDF][PDF] Simulation of saltwater intrusion in a poorly karstified coastal aquifer in Lebanon (Eastern Mediterranean)

WM Khadra, PJ Stuyfzand - 2018 - scholarworks.aub.edu.lb
To date, there has been no agreement on the best way to simulate saltwater intrusion (SWI)
in karst aquifers. An equivalent porous medium (EPM) is usually assumed without …

Highlighting Volcanic Outcrops by Map** Geological Lineaments Using Satellite Data in he Saka Region, North-East Morocco

A Elaaraj, A Lhachmi, H Tabyaoui… - Ecological …, 2024 - yadda.icm.edu.pl
The Saka region and its environs are situated in the northeastern part of Morocco. This study
aimed to optimize automated lineament extraction based on the comparing of Landsat-8 …

Association of the relationship between tectonic lineaments and natural springs around Nigde Massif, central Anatolia, Turkey

R Demircioğlu - Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2024 - Springer
In this study, the aim was to determine the relationship between tectonic lineaments derived
from satellite data and springs. The study area covers Gümüşler (Nigde) and its …

Estimating annual CO2 emissions and building a leakage scenario in a tectonically quiescent area

S Yu, G Chae, SW Kim, HR Kim, CY Kim, G Seok… - Journal of Geochemical …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Soil CO 2 flux (FCO 2) was intensively measured in a natural CO 2 emission site
located in a tectonically quiescent area, with topographic and geophysical investigation, to …