The good (ish), the bad, and the ugly: a tripartite classification of ecosystem trends
Abstract Bundy, A., Shannon, LJ, Rochet, MJ., Neira, S., Shin, YJ., Hill, L., and Aydin, K.
2010. The good (ish), the bad, and the ugly: a tripartite classification of ecosystem trends …
2010. The good (ish), the bad, and the ugly: a tripartite classification of ecosystem trends …
Ranking the ecological relative status of exploited marine ecosystems
Abstract Coll, M., Shannon, LJ, Yemane, D., Link, JS, Ojaveer, H., Neira, S., Jouffre, D.,
Labrosse, P., Heymans, JJ, Fulton, EA, and Shin, YJ. 2010. Ranking the ecological relative …
Labrosse, P., Heymans, JJ, Fulton, EA, and Shin, YJ. 2010. Ranking the ecological relative …
Assessing the impact of fisheries on demersal fish assemblages of the Mauritanian continental shelf, 1987–1999, using dominance curves
D Jouffre, CA Inejih - ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2005 - academic.oup.com
The assemblages of demersal fish and associated species of the Mauritanian continental
shelf are characterized on the basis of annual trawl surveys conducted during the period …
shelf are characterized on the basis of annual trawl surveys conducted during the period …
Structure and dynamics of demersal fish assemblages over three decades (1985–2012) of increasing fishing pressure in Guinea
ML Camara, B Mérigot, F Leprieur… - African Journal of …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
In a context of growing fishing pressures and recommendations for an ecosystem approach
to fisheries, there is a need to monitor changes in fish communities over time. In this study …
to fisheries, there is a need to monitor changes in fish communities over time. In this study …
Fishing tactics and strategies in coastal demersal trawling fisheries in Senegal
M Fall, A Samba, F Laloë - Aquatic Living Resources, 2006 - cambridge.org
Using catch composition data collected on individual fishing trips between 1990 and 2001,
we study fishing tactics and strategies of the coastal demersal trawlers operating in Senegal …
we study fishing tactics and strategies of the coastal demersal trawlers operating in Senegal …
[PDF][PDF] Impact de la pêche sur l'écosystème marin de Guinée-modélisation EwE 1985/2005
D Gascuel, S Guénette, I Diallo, A Sidibé - 2009 - open.library.ubc.ca
Fisheries Centre Research Reports Page 1 ISSN 1198-6727 Fisheries Centre Research
Reports 2009 Volume 17 Number 4 Impact de la pêche sur l'écosystème marin de Guinée …
Reports 2009 Volume 17 Number 4 Impact de la pêche sur l'écosystème marin de Guinée …
Cephalopods in the canary current large marine ecosystem
F Rocha, I Cheikh Abdellahi - 10000-01-01, 2015 - digital.csic.es
The Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem (CCLME) ranks third in the world in terms of
primary productivity and has one of the highest fisheries production of any African large …
primary productivity and has one of the highest fisheries production of any African large …
Demersal fish in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem
L Fernández-Peralta, A Sibidé - 2015 - digital.csic.es
Demersal ichthyofauna is both the most diverse and the most abundant component in terms
of biomass, of the marine shelf and slope ecosystems. Within the Canary Current Large …
of biomass, of the marine shelf and slope ecosystems. Within the Canary Current Large …
[HTML][HTML] Données sur la biodiversité ichtyologique marine. Cas de la baie de Hann et de la zone économique exclusive (ZEE) du Sénégal.
NS FAYE - memoireonline.com
Memoire Online - Données sur la biodiversité ichtyologique marine. Cas de la baie de
Hann et de la zone économique exclusive (ZEE) du Sénégal. - Naby Souleymane FAYE …
Hann et de la zone économique exclusive (ZEE) du Sénégal. - Naby Souleymane FAYE …
[PDF][PDF] Etude
A SIDIBE - 2010 - portals.iucn.org
Une grande diversité faunistique au niveau des ressources halieutiques a été mis en
évidence depuis les premiers travaux océanographiques réalisés dans les eaux marines de …
évidence depuis les premiers travaux océanographiques réalisés dans les eaux marines de …