Invisible axion search methods

P Sikivie - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021‏ - APS
In the late 1970s, the axion was proposed as a solution to the strong CP problem, ie, the
puzzle why the strong interactions conserve parity P and the product CP of charge …

Search for new physics with atoms and molecules

MS Safronova, D Budker, D DeMille, DFJ Kimball… - Reviews of Modern …, 2018‏ - APS
This article reviews recent developments in tests of fundamental physics using atoms and
molecules, including the subjects of parity violation, searches for permanent electric dipole …

A quantum enhanced search for dark matter axions

KM Backes, DA Palken, SA Kenany, BM Brubaker… - Nature, 2021‏ -
The manipulation of quantum states of light holds the potential to enhance searches for
fundamental physics. Only recently has the maturation of quantum squeezing technology …

Upper limit on the QCD axion mass from isolated neutron star cooling

M Buschmann, C Dessert, JW Foster, AJ Long… - Physical review …, 2022‏ - APS
The quantum chromodynamics (QCD) axion may modify the cooling rates of neutron stars
(NSs). The axions are produced within the NS cores from nucleon bremsstrahlung and …

Axion dark matter detection with CMB polarization

MA Fedderke, PW Graham, S Rajendran - Physical Review D, 2019‏ - APS
We point out two ways to search for low-mass axion dark matter using cosmic microwave
background (CMB) polarization measurements. These appear, in particular, to be some of …

Stochastic axion scenario

PW Graham, A Scherlis - Physical Review D, 2018‏ - APS
For the minimal QCD axion model it is generally believed that overproduction of dark matter
constrains the axion mass to be above a certain threshold, or at least that the initial …

A flavorful factoring of the strong CP problem

P Agrawal, K Howe - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2018‏ - Springer
A bstract Motivated by the intimate connection between the strong CP problem and the flavor
structure of the Standard Model, we present a flavor model that revives and extends the …

Search for axionlike dark matter using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance

D Aybas, J Adam, E Blumenthal, AV Gramolin… - Physical Review Letters, 2021‏ - APS
We report the results of an experimental search for ultralight axionlike dark matter in the
mass range 162–166 neV. The detection scheme of our Cosmic Axion Spin Precession …

Search for axionlike dark matter with a liquid-state nuclear spin comagnetometer

T Wu, JW Blanchard, GP Centers, NL Figueroa… - Physical review …, 2019‏ - APS
We report the results of a search for axionlike dark matter using nuclear magnetic resonance
(NMR) techniques. This search is part of the multifaceted Cosmic Axion Spin Precession …

Probing fundamental physics with spin-based quantum sensors

DF Jackson Kimball, D Budker, TE Chupp, AA Geraci… - Physical Review A, 2023‏ - APS
The applications of spin-based quantum sensors to measurements probing fundamental
physics are surveyed. Experimental methods and technologies developed for spin-based …