Topological phononic metamaterials
The concept of topological energy bands and their manifestations have been demonstrated
in condensed matter systems as a fantastic paradigm toward unprecedented physical …
in condensed matter systems as a fantastic paradigm toward unprecedented physical …
Topological materials discovery from crystal symmetry
Topological materials discovery has evolved at a rapid pace over the past 15 years following
the identification of the first nonmagnetic topological insulators (TIs), topological crystalline …
the identification of the first nonmagnetic topological insulators (TIs), topological crystalline …
Provably efficient machine learning for quantum many-body problems
Classical machine learning (ML) provides a potentially powerful approach to solving
challenging quantum many-body problems in physics and chemistry. However, the …
challenging quantum many-body problems in physics and chemistry. However, the …
Enumeration of spin-space groups: Toward a complete description of symmetries of magnetic orders
Symmetries of three-dimensional periodic scalar fields are described by 230 space groups
(SGs). Symmetries of three-dimensional periodic (pseudo) vector fields, however, are …
(SGs). Symmetries of three-dimensional periodic (pseudo) vector fields, however, are …
Hybrid skin-topological modes without asymmetric couplings
The non-Hermitian skin effect (NHSE) in non-Hermitian lattice systems, associated with a
point gap on the complex energy plane, has attracted great theoretical and experimental …
point gap on the complex energy plane, has attracted great theoretical and experimental …
General construction and topological classification of crystalline flat bands
Exotic phases of matter can emerge from the interplay between strong electron interactions
and non-trivial topology. Materials that have non-dispersing bands in their electronic band …
and non-trivial topology. Materials that have non-dispersing bands in their electronic band …
Anomalous Hall crystals in rhombohedral multilayer graphene. II. General mechanism and a minimal model
We propose a minimal “three-patch model” for the anomalous Hall crystal (AHC), a
topological electronic state that spontaneously breaks both time-reversal symmetry and …
topological electronic state that spontaneously breaks both time-reversal symmetry and …
Topological semimetal driven by strong correlations and crystalline symmetry
Electron correlations amplify quantum fluctuations and, as such, are recognized as the origin
of many quantum phases. However, whether strong correlations can lead to gapless …
of many quantum phases. However, whether strong correlations can lead to gapless …
Interacting topological quantum chemistry in 2D with many-body real space invariants
The topological phases of non-interacting fermions have been classified by their
symmetries, culminating in a modern electronic band theory where wavefunction topology …
symmetries, culminating in a modern electronic band theory where wavefunction topology …
Absence of Topological Protection of the Interface States in Photonic Crystals
Inspired from electronic systems, topological photonics aims to engineer new optical devices
with robust properties. In many cases, the ideas from topological phases protected by …
with robust properties. In many cases, the ideas from topological phases protected by …