Depth-targeted energy delivery deep inside scattering media
Diffusion makes it difficult to predict and control wave transport through a medium.
Overcoming wave diffusion to deliver energy into a target region deep inside a diffusive …
Overcoming wave diffusion to deliver energy into a target region deep inside a diffusive …
Tricritical behavior in dynamical phase transitions
We identify a new scenario for dynamical phase transitions associated with time-integrated
observables occurring in diffusive systems described by the macroscopic fluctuation theory …
observables occurring in diffusive systems described by the macroscopic fluctuation theory …
Fiber optic computing using distributed feedback
The widespread adoption of machine learning and other matrix intensive computing
algorithms has renewed interest in analog optical computing, which has the potential to …
algorithms has renewed interest in analog optical computing, which has the potential to …
Fluctuations and correlations of transmission eigenchannels in diffusive media
Selective excitation of a diffusive system's transmission eigenchannels enables
manipulation of its internal energy distribution. The fluctuations and correlations of the …
manipulation of its internal energy distribution. The fluctuations and correlations of the …
Intensity correlations between reflected and transmitted speckle patterns
We study theoretically the spatial correlations between the intensities measured at the input
and output planes of a disordered scattering medium. We show that at large optical …
and output planes of a disordered scattering medium. We show that at large optical …
Introducing non-local correlations into laser speckles
Laser speckles have become a fundamental component of the modern optics-research
toolbox. Not only are speckle patterns the basis of numerous imaging techniques, but also …
toolbox. Not only are speckle patterns the basis of numerous imaging techniques, but also …
Single-parameter scaling and maximum entropy inside disordered one-dimensional systems: Theory and experiment
The single-parameter scaling hypothesis relating the average and variance of the logarithm
of the conductance is a pillar of the theory of electronic transport. We use a maximum …
of the conductance is a pillar of the theory of electronic transport. We use a maximum …
Occupation-time statistics of a gas of interacting diffusing particles
The time that a diffusing particle spends in a certain region of space is known as the
occupation time, or the residence time. Recently, the joint occupation-time statistics of an …
occupation time, or the residence time. Recently, the joint occupation-time statistics of an …
Using geometry to manipulate long-range correlation of light inside disordered media
We demonstrate an effective approach of modifying the long-range spatial correlation for
light propagating inside random photonic waveguides by varying the shape of the …
light propagating inside random photonic waveguides by varying the shape of the …
Measurement of the profiles of disorder-induced localized resonances in photonic crystal waveguides by local tuning
Near the band edge of photonic crystal waveguides, localized modes appear due to
disorder. We demonstrate a new method to elucidate spatial profile of the localized modes in …
disorder. We demonstrate a new method to elucidate spatial profile of the localized modes in …