Fire and soils: Key concepts and recent advances

A Bento-Gonçalves, A Vieira, X Úbeda, D Martin - Geoderma, 2012 - Elsevier
It is clear that, in some climates, fires are a natural phenomenon, they have occurred for
millennia and plants have revealed the capacity to cope with them (Pausas et al., 2008). It is …

Fire-induced geochemical changes in soil: Implication for the element cycling

A Roshan, A Biswas - Science of The Total Environment, 2023 - Elsevier
Soils play an essential role in supporting and sustaining life on this planet. In fire-impacted
environments, fire causes considerable changes to the soil, especially in the various …

Redox properties of plant biomass-derived black carbon (biochar)

L Klüpfel, M Keiluweit, M Kleber… - Environmental science & …, 2014 - ACS Publications
Soils and sediments worldwide contain appreciable amounts of thermally altered organic
matter (chars). Chars contain electroactive quinoid functional groups and polycondensed …

Influence of heating on various properties of six Mediterranean soils. A laboratory study

T Terefe, I Mariscal-Sancho, F Peregrina, R Espejo - Geoderma, 2008 - Elsevier
The influence of temperature between 25–500° C on several physical and chemical
properties was studied on samples collected from six typical Mediterranean soils. In all soil …

Spatial ecology of soil nematodes: Perspectives from global to micro scales

T Liu, F Hu, H Li - Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2019 - Elsevier
Soil spatial heterogeneity is a major determinant of biological diversity and functions. Among
soil biota, nematodes are considered as excellent models for understanding spatial soil …

Changes in water repellency, aggregation and organic matter of a mollic horizon burned in laboratory: Soil depth affected by fire

D Badía-Villas, JA González-Pérez, JM Aznar… - Geoderma, 2014 - Elsevier
High variability in the literature is reported on the soil depth affected by forest fires because
many factors are involved. We study the fire-induced changes on properties related to soil …

The benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) pattern of wood pyrolyzed between 200 C and 1000 C

MPW Schneider, M Hilf, UF Vogt, MWI Schmidt - Organic Geochemistry, 2010 - Elsevier
Environmental charcoals represent a poorly defined part of the black carbon (BC)
combustion continuum and may differ widely in their chemical and physical properties …

Very high-temperature impact melt products as evidence for cosmic airbursts and impacts 12,900 years ago

TE Bunch, RE Hermes, AMT Moore, DJ Kennett… - Proceedings of the …, 2012 -
It has been proposed that fragments of an asteroid or comet impacted Earth, deposited silica-
and iron-rich microspherules and other proxies across several continents, and triggered the …

Fire impact on C and N losses and charcoal production in a scrub oak ecosystem

MA Alexis, DP Rasse, C Rumpel, G Bardoux, N Péchot… - Biogeochemistry, 2007 - Springer
Fire profoundly modifies the terrestrial C cycle of about 40% of the Earth's land surface. The
immediate effect of fire is that of a net loss of C as CO 2 gas and soot particles to the …

Soil and water degradation processes in burned areas: Lessons learned from a nested approach

AJD Ferreira, COA Coelho, CJ Ritsema, AK Boulet… - Catena, 2008 - Elsevier
Forest fires produce a major impact on soil, water and vegetation. Despite the amount of
research published on this subject, there are two major problems that hamper the fully …