Key risk factors affecting farmers' mental health: A systematic review
Recently, concern has increased globally over farmers' mental health issues. We present a
systematic review of the outcomes, locations, study designs, and methods of current studies …
systematic review of the outcomes, locations, study designs, and methods of current studies …
Pesticides: an update of human exposure and toxicity
Pesticides are a family of compounds which have brought many benefits to mankind in the
agricultural, industrial, and health areas, but their toxicities in both humans and animals …
agricultural, industrial, and health areas, but their toxicities in both humans and animals …
Neurotoxic effects of organophosphorus pesticides and possible association with neurodegenerative diseases in man: A review
In this article the neurotoxic disorders appearing in patients exposed to organophosphorus
pesticides and known mechanisms involved are reviewed. Organophosphorus compounds …
pesticides and known mechanisms involved are reviewed. Organophosphorus compounds …
Multiple neurological effects associated with exposure to organophosphorus pesticides in man
This article reviews available data regarding the possible association of organophosphorus
(OP) pesticides with neurological disorders such as dementia, attention deficit hyperactivity …
(OP) pesticides with neurological disorders such as dementia, attention deficit hyperactivity …
Pesticides, cognitive functions and dementia: A review
Pesticides are widely-used chemicals commonly applied in agriculture for the protection of
crops from pests. Depending on the class of pesticides, the specific substances may have a …
crops from pests. Depending on the class of pesticides, the specific substances may have a …
Chronic exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides and neuropsychological functioning in farm workers: a review
Background: Previous studies have demonstrated that acute poisoning from exposure to
organophosphate (OP) pesticides in agricultural workers causes adverse health effects …
organophosphate (OP) pesticides in agricultural workers causes adverse health effects …
Organophosphorus pesticides as modulating substances of inflammation through the cholinergic pathway
Organophosphorus pesticides (OPs) are widespread insecticides used for pest control in
agricultural activities and the control of the vectors of human and animal diseases. However …
agricultural activities and the control of the vectors of human and animal diseases. However …
The link of organophosphorus pesticides with neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases based on evidence and mechanisms
Organophosphorus (OP) compounds have been known as the most widely used pesticides
during the past half century and there have been a huge body of literature regarding their …
during the past half century and there have been a huge body of literature regarding their …
Biosensors for detection of organophosphate pesticides: Current technologies and future directives
Organophosphate (OP) pesticides applied on agricultural fields undergo diffuse
contamination and cause poisoning in humans and other non-target organisms. Therefore, it …
contamination and cause poisoning in humans and other non-target organisms. Therefore, it …
[PDF][PDF] Neurocognitive, mental health, and glucose disorders in farmers exposed to organophosphorus pesticides
About 25 million agricultural workers in the develo** world suffer from at least one
episode of poisoning each year, mainly by anticholinesterase-like organophosphates (OPs) …
episode of poisoning each year, mainly by anticholinesterase-like organophosphates (OPs) …