Toward next generation lateral flow assays: integration of nanomaterials
Lateral flow assays (LFAs) are currently the most used point-of-care sensors for both
diagnostic (eg, pregnancy test, COVID-19 monitoring) and environmental (eg, pesticides …
diagnostic (eg, pregnancy test, COVID-19 monitoring) and environmental (eg, pesticides …
Point-of-care diagnostics for infectious diseases: From methods to devices
C Wang, M Liu, Z Wang, S Li, Y Deng, N He - Nano today, 2021 - Elsevier
The current widespread of COVID-19 all over the world, which is caused by SARS-CoV-2
virus, has again emphasized the importance of development of point-of-care (POC) …
virus, has again emphasized the importance of development of point-of-care (POC) …
Total iron measurement in human serum with a novel smartphone-based assay
Background: Abnormally low or high blood iron levels are common health conditions
worldwide and can seriously affect an individual's overall well-being. A low-cost point-of …
worldwide and can seriously affect an individual's overall well-being. A low-cost point-of …
Recent advances of upconversion nanoparticles-based lateral flow assays for point-of-care testing
Lateral flow assays (LFA), as the most commonly used commercialized point-of-care testing
(POCT), has been limited by the detection accuracy for decades. To address this challenge …
(POCT), has been limited by the detection accuracy for decades. To address this challenge …
Aptamer-based biosensors for environmental monitoring
Due to their relative synthetic and chemical simplicity compared to antibodies, aptamers
afford enhanced stability and functionality for the detection of environmental contaminants …
afford enhanced stability and functionality for the detection of environmental contaminants …
Recent advances and applications in paper-based devices for point-of-care testing
Y Hou, CC Lv, YL Guo, XH Ma, W Liu, Y **… - Journal of Analysis and …, 2022 - Springer
Point-of-care testing (POCT), as a portable and user-friendly technology, can obtain
accurate test results immediately at the sampling point. Nowadays, microfluidic paper-based …
accurate test results immediately at the sampling point. Nowadays, microfluidic paper-based …
Mycotoxins detection in food samples through lateral flow assays (LFAs)–An update for status and prospect
Mycotoxins are responsible for several diseases in human and animals which impose huge
medical and economical burdens worldwide, especially in low-income countries. Therefore …
medical and economical burdens worldwide, especially in low-income countries. Therefore …
An overview for the nanoparticles‐based quantitative lateral flow assay
The development of the lateral flow assay (LFA) has received much attention in both
academia and industry because of their broad applications to food safety, environmental …
academia and industry because of their broad applications to food safety, environmental …
Recent progress in smartphone-based techniques for food safety and the detection of heavy metal ions in environmental water
Emerging smartphone-based point-of-care tests (POCTs) are cost-effective, precise, and
easy to implement in resource-limited areas. Thus, they are considered a potential …
easy to implement in resource-limited areas. Thus, they are considered a potential …
Advances in upconversion luminescence nanomaterial‐based biosensor for virus diagnosis
Various infectious viruses have been posing a major threat to global public health,
especially SARS‐CoV‐2, which has already claimed more than six million lives up to now …
especially SARS‐CoV‐2, which has already claimed more than six million lives up to now …