Concept of the Intelligent Support of Decision Making for Manufacturing a 3D-Printed Hand Exoskeleton within Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 Paradigms
Supporting the decision-making process for the production of a 3D-printed hand
exoskeleton within the Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 paradigms brings new concepts of …
exoskeleton within the Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0 paradigms brings new concepts of …
[HTML][HTML] An Intelligent Hand-Assisted Diagnosis System Based on Information Fusion
This research proposes an innovative, intelligent hand-assisted diagnostic system aiming to
achieve a comprehensive assessment of hand function through information fusion …
achieve a comprehensive assessment of hand function through information fusion …
Hand exoskeleton—development of own concept
Featured Application Potential applications of the work include research and implementation
work on 3D-printed exoskeletons, especially for the upper limb. Abstract The article …
work on 3D-printed exoskeletons, especially for the upper limb. Abstract The article …
[HTML][HTML] Active, actuated, and assistive: a sco** review of exoskeletons for the hands and wrists
BACKGROUND: Assistive technology is often incorporated into rehabilitation and support for
those impacted by upper limb impairments. When powered, these devices provide …
those impacted by upper limb impairments. When powered, these devices provide …
Dynamic Analysis and Experimental Study of Lasso Transmission for Hand Rehabilitation Robot
Lasso transmission is a method for realizing long-distance flexible transmission and
lightweight robots. However, there are transmission characteristic losses of velocity, force …
lightweight robots. However, there are transmission characteristic losses of velocity, force …
Design and Development of a Robotic System for Hand's Wrist-Fingers Rehabilitation
Hand impairment, followed by stroke, causes significant deficits in performing different
activities. Restoration of hand functions requires regular and repetitive therapy exercises …
activities. Restoration of hand functions requires regular and repetitive therapy exercises …
[PDF][PDF] Recent advances in hand movement rehabilitation system and related strategies
Hand movement disorders caused by neurological diseases like brachial plexus injuries
significantly impact daily activities of patients. Compared with the upper-limb rehabilitation …
significantly impact daily activities of patients. Compared with the upper-limb rehabilitation …
An Interactive Application for Hand Muscle Fatigue Relief Based on Gesture Recognition
Prolonged use of a keyboard or mouse can lead to continuous bending and twisting of the
wrist, which can lead to muscle fatigue and pain. Finger exercises can reduce the hand …
wrist, which can lead to muscle fatigue and pain. Finger exercises can reduce the hand …
Structural Design and Optimization of Modular Mirror Rehabilitation Gloves
W Yang, X Deng, X Zhang, L Yuan, Y Ding… - Available at SSRN … -
This paper summarizes the current state of research on soft rehabilitation gloves at home
and abroad, dealing primarily with the design and production of modular mirrored …
and abroad, dealing primarily with the design and production of modular mirrored …
考虑 5 指差异化的外骨骼康复机械手结构设计.
宋栓军, 郭晓虎, 曹佳豪 - Light Industry Machinery, 2023 -
针对传统外骨骼康复机械手结构臃肿, 适配性低的问题, 课题组设计了一款考虑人手5
指差异化的连杆滑槽式外骨骼康复机械手. 课题组根据人手生物学特征设计了单根手指的结构 …
指差异化的连杆滑槽式外骨骼康复机械手. 课题组根据人手生物学特征设计了单根手指的结构 …