The quest for resilience: The Chilean practice of seismic design for reinforced concrete buildings

R Lagos, M Lafontaine, P Bonelli… - Earthquake …, 2021 -
The satisfactory structural behavior observed during large earthquakes and the high
seismicity of the country has conditioned the Chilean society to expect immediate occupancy …

Experimental study on displacement capacity of reinforced concrete walls with varying cross-sectional slenderness

LM Massone, S Jara, F Rojas - Journal of Building Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
The utilization of thinner and more slender walls in the design of reinforced concrete shear
wall structures has become increasingly popular in Chile and other countries. However …

Nonlinear modeling of a damaged reinforced concrete building and design improvement behavior

LM Massone, E Bedecarratz, F Rojas… - Journal of Building …, 2021 - Elsevier
Nonlinear modeling is performed for a reinforced concrete building that presented flexural
damage during the 2010 Chile earthquake. The focus of the analysis is the behavior of a …

Seismic response of reinforced concrete wall buildings with nonlinear coupling slabs

L Ramos, MA Hube - Engineering Structures, 2021 - Elsevier
Reinforced concrete (RC) structural walls are widely used in high-rise buildings as the
lateral force resisting system because of their inherent economy, stiffness, and strength. The …

Seismic fragility assessment of medium-rise fishbone-type reinforced concrete wall buildings

MJ Echeverria, R Jünemann, AB Liel - Journal of Building Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper presents a seismic fragility assessment of medium-rise reinforced concrete (RC)
wall buildings, focusing on fishbone-type buildings with high wall densities and other …

Versatile hysteretic model of reinforcing steel bars with buckling

LM Massone, J Rosa, Á Mesa - Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
The buckling of reinforcing steel should be considered in the design of reinforced concrete
elements subjected to compression since it can influence the load-carrying capacity and …

Minimum longitudinal reinforcement in rectangular and flanged reinforced concrete walls

LM Massone, J Valenzuela, F Rojas - Structures, 2023 - Elsevier
The amount of longitudinal steel in reinforced concrete walls is a key point in the damage
distribution along the wall, although it is usually associated mainly with the prevention of …

Guest editorial: Nonlinear modelling of reinforced concrete structural walls

M Fischinger, T Isaković, K Kolozvari… - Bulletin of Earthquake …, 2019 - Springer
Structural systems including reinforced concrete (RC) walls are common and efficient in the
design of buildings in seismic areas all over the world. RC structural walls have large (over) …

Multivariate joint probability distributions for seismic design parameters across multiple building codes

NA Fuentes, JC Flores, JE Egger, FA Vicencio… - Bulletin of Earthquake …, 2023 - Springer
In order to contribute to the lack of statistical anomaly detection and sensitivity visualization
of the response parameters from international seismic codes, this study presents a …

Damage correlation in flexural walls with a displacement approach method for boundary detailing

LM Massone, I Caceres - Journal of Building Engineering, 2020 - Elsevier
The 2010 Chile earthquake of magnitude Mw 8.8 showed the importance of using correct
detailing at the wall boundary. Most design methodologies for wall boundary special …