Integration of molecules and new fossils supports a Triassic origin for Lepidosauria (lizards, snakes, and tuatara)
Background Lepidosauria (lizards, snakes, tuatara) is a globally distributed and ecologically
important group of over 9,000 reptile species. The earliest fossil records are currently …
important group of over 9,000 reptile species. The earliest fossil records are currently …
Fossil amphibians and reptiles from the Neogene locality of Maramena (Greece), the most diverse European herpetofauna at the Miocene/Pliocene transition …
We herein describe the fossil amphibians and reptiles from the Neogene (latest Miocene or
earliest Pliocene; MN 13/14) locality of Maramena, in northern Greece. The herpetofauna is …
earliest Pliocene; MN 13/14) locality of Maramena, in northern Greece. The herpetofauna is …
Aridification driven diversification of fan-throated lizards from the Indian subcontinent
The establishment of monsoon climate and the consequent aridification has been one of the
most important climate change episodes in the Indian subcontinent. However, little is known …
most important climate change episodes in the Indian subcontinent. However, little is known …
Phylogeny of Australasian agamid lizards based on nuclear and mitochondrial genes: implications for morphological evolution and biogeography
Recent mtDNA phylogenies of Australasian agamid lizards are highly incongruent with
existing morphological views. To resolve this discrepancy we sequenced two nuclear gene …
existing morphological views. To resolve this discrepancy we sequenced two nuclear gene …
Current status of species-level representation in faunas from selected fossil localities in the Riversleigh World Heritage Area, northwestern Queensland
M Archer, DA Arena, M Bassarova… - Alcheringa: An …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
Current lists of species-level representation in faunas from 80 Cenozoic fossil localities at
the Riversleigh World Heritage Area have been compiled by review of recorded occurrences …
the Riversleigh World Heritage Area have been compiled by review of recorded occurrences …
[SÁCH][B] The biology of chameleons
Chameleons so easily capture the imagination, and have done so for centuries. In scientific
writings, they first appear with Aristotle (350 BC), and although they were recognized as …
writings, they first appear with Aristotle (350 BC), and although they were recognized as …
Extensive phylogeographic and morphological diversity in Diporiphora nobbi (Agamidae) leads to a taxonomic review and a new species description
Morphological and molecular information is invaluable in the description of cryptic diversity
and the evolutionary processes driving diversification within closely related species that …
and the evolutionary processes driving diversification within closely related species that …
Evolutionary history of spiny‐tailed lizards (Agamidae: Uromastyx) from the Saharo‐Arabian region
The subfamily Uromastycinae within the Agamidae is comprised of 18 species: three within
the genus Saara and 15 within Uromastyx. Uromastyx is distributed in the desert areas of …
the genus Saara and 15 within Uromastyx. Uromastyx is distributed in the desert areas of …
Geometric morphometrics provides an alternative approach for interpreting the affinity of fossil lizard jaws
The jaws of lizards commonly occur in Quaternary fossil deposits and have the potential to
inform our understanding of recent changes in climate and environment. Frequently …
inform our understanding of recent changes in climate and environment. Frequently …
Estimate of the population structure of the estern water dragon, Physignathus lesueurii (Reptilia: Agamidae), along riverside habitat
MB Thompson - Wildlife Research, 1993 - CSIRO Publishing
A population of eastern water dragons, Physignathus lesueurii, was investigated along 1.5
km of the Gloucester River in central eastern New South Wales from November 1989 to …
km of the Gloucester River in central eastern New South Wales from November 1989 to …