[KNYGA][B] Spanisch: Phonetik und Phonologie: Eine Einführung

C Gabriel, T Meisenburg, M Selig - 2025 - books.google.com
Dieses Buch gibt Spanischstudierenden ein zugängliches und zugleich anspruchsvolles
Grundlagenwerk zur Lautlehre ihres Studienfachs an die Hand. Es verknüpft bewährtes …

[PDF][PDF] Speaker age effects on prosodic patterns in Bulgarian

S Dimitrova, B Andreeva, C Gabriel… - Proceedings of Speech …, 2018 - academia.edu
Sun, recorded by two groups of six female speakers aged between 19-23 and 79-88 years,
we found significant differences in pitch span, minimum F0, syllable, intonation phrase and …

[HTML][HTML] L1 influences on Bulgarian-accented German: Prosodic units and prenuclear pitch accents

B Andreeva, S Dimitrova - Languages, 2022 - mdpi.com
This study investigates the L1 influence on the use of accentual patterns, choice of
prenuclear pitch accent types and their realization on L2 prosody. We use Mennen's LILt …

Intonation and convergence. Evidence from Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish

B Andreeva, S Dimitrova, C Gabriel, A Gazdik… - … and adaptation. Proc …, 2017 - ceeol.com
We address the intonation of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish (Djudezmo), a diaspora variety of
Spanish brought to the former Ottoman Empire by the Sephardic Jews after their expulsion …

[PDF][PDF] The intonation of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish spontaneous speech

B Andreeva, S Dimitrova… - … of the 19th …, 2019 - internationalphoneticassociation.org
Our contribution addresses the intonation of presentday Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. Based
on recordings of narrative interviews, conducted with four Judeo-Spanish-Bulgarian …

Local and global cues in the prosodic realization of broad and narrow focus in Bulgarian

B Andreeva, WJ Barry, J Koreman - Phonetica, 2017 - degruyter.com
In this study, local and global prosodic cues for information structure are examined in the
elicited production of six Bulgarian sentences. The sentences were produced in response to …

[PDF][PDF] A comparative perspective on intervention effects on left branch extractions in Slavic

G Fanselow, C Féry - Non progredi est regredi. Festschrift für Alla …, 2013 - caroline-fery.de
At least up to a certain extent, the Slavic languages all allow left branch extractions (LBE),
but they differ as to how flexibly this construction can be employed. There is a fairly …

[PDF][PDF] Intonational convergence in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish spontaneous speech

B Andreeva, S Dimitrova, C Gabriel… - … Situational Conditions of …, 2021 - slav.uni-sofia.bg
The present contribution investigates the intonation of the Sofian variety of Judeo-Spanish
(JUSPA) Based on a corpus of narrative interviews recorded by four mature female JUSPA …

Prosodic encoding of phrasal prominence and information structure in a second language: When Bulgarian and German prosody meet

B Andreeva - Съпоставително езикознание/Сопоставительное …, 2017 - ceeol.com
This research describes the production of prosodic cues to mark information structure in
Bulgarian and German. It compares speech by native (L1) and second language (L2) …

Bulgarian Tones and Break Indices (Bg_Tobi): A System for Intonational Annotation

B Andreeva, S Dimitrova - Philologia - ceeol.com
The paper outlines a system of Tones and Break Indices for Bulgarian (BG_ ToBI) within the
autosegmental-metrical framework of intonational phonology. While taking into account …