[KNYGA][B] Spanisch: Phonetik und Phonologie: Eine Einführung
C Gabriel, T Meisenburg, M Selig - 2025 - books.google.com
Dieses Buch gibt Spanischstudierenden ein zugängliches und zugleich anspruchsvolles
Grundlagenwerk zur Lautlehre ihres Studienfachs an die Hand. Es verknüpft bewährtes …
Grundlagenwerk zur Lautlehre ihres Studienfachs an die Hand. Es verknüpft bewährtes …
[PDF][PDF] Speaker age effects on prosodic patterns in Bulgarian
Sun, recorded by two groups of six female speakers aged between 19-23 and 79-88 years,
we found significant differences in pitch span, minimum F0, syllable, intonation phrase and …
we found significant differences in pitch span, minimum F0, syllable, intonation phrase and …
[HTML][HTML] L1 influences on Bulgarian-accented German: Prosodic units and prenuclear pitch accents
This study investigates the L1 influence on the use of accentual patterns, choice of
prenuclear pitch accent types and their realization on L2 prosody. We use Mennen's LILt …
prenuclear pitch accent types and their realization on L2 prosody. We use Mennen's LILt …
Intonation and convergence. Evidence from Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish
We address the intonation of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish (Djudezmo), a diaspora variety of
Spanish brought to the former Ottoman Empire by the Sephardic Jews after their expulsion …
Spanish brought to the former Ottoman Empire by the Sephardic Jews after their expulsion …
[PDF][PDF] The intonation of Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish spontaneous speech
Our contribution addresses the intonation of presentday Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish. Based
on recordings of narrative interviews, conducted with four Judeo-Spanish-Bulgarian …
on recordings of narrative interviews, conducted with four Judeo-Spanish-Bulgarian …
Local and global cues in the prosodic realization of broad and narrow focus in Bulgarian
In this study, local and global prosodic cues for information structure are examined in the
elicited production of six Bulgarian sentences. The sentences were produced in response to …
elicited production of six Bulgarian sentences. The sentences were produced in response to …
[PDF][PDF] A comparative perspective on intervention effects on left branch extractions in Slavic
G Fanselow, C Féry - Non progredi est regredi. Festschrift für Alla …, 2013 - caroline-fery.de
At least up to a certain extent, the Slavic languages all allow left branch extractions (LBE),
but they differ as to how flexibly this construction can be employed. There is a fairly …
but they differ as to how flexibly this construction can be employed. There is a fairly …
[PDF][PDF] Intonational convergence in Bulgarian Judeo-Spanish spontaneous speech
The present contribution investigates the intonation of the Sofian variety of Judeo-Spanish
(JUSPA) Based on a corpus of narrative interviews recorded by four mature female JUSPA …
(JUSPA) Based on a corpus of narrative interviews recorded by four mature female JUSPA …
Prosodic encoding of phrasal prominence and information structure in a second language: When Bulgarian and German prosody meet
B Andreeva - Съпоставително езикознание/Сопоставительное …, 2017 - ceeol.com
This research describes the production of prosodic cues to mark information structure in
Bulgarian and German. It compares speech by native (L1) and second language (L2) …
Bulgarian and German. It compares speech by native (L1) and second language (L2) …
Bulgarian Tones and Break Indices (Bg_Tobi): A System for Intonational Annotation
B Andreeva, S Dimitrova - Philologia - ceeol.com
The paper outlines a system of Tones and Break Indices for Bulgarian (BG_ ToBI) within the
autosegmental-metrical framework of intonational phonology. While taking into account …
autosegmental-metrical framework of intonational phonology. While taking into account …