Organic peroxides in aerosol: key reactive intermediates for multiphase processes in the atmosphere
Organic peroxides (POs) are organic molecules with one or more peroxide (− O–O−)
functional groups. POs are commonly regarded as chemically labile termination products …
functional groups. POs are commonly regarded as chemically labile termination products …
Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) from gas-phase autoxidation involving peroxy radicals: A key contributor to atmospheric aerosol
Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOM) are formed in the atmosphere via autoxidation
involving peroxy radicals arising from volatile organic compounds (VOC). HOM condense on …
involving peroxy radicals arising from volatile organic compounds (VOC). HOM condense on …
[HTML][HTML] Global variability in atmospheric new particle formation mechanisms
A key challenge in aerosol pollution studies and climate change assessment is to
understand how atmospheric aerosol particles are initially formed,. Although new particle …
understand how atmospheric aerosol particles are initially formed,. Although new particle …
New particle formation in the atmosphere: From molecular clusters to global climate
New particle formation (NPF) represents the first step in the complex processes leading to
formation of cloud condensation nuclei. Newly formed nanoparticles affect human health, air …
formation of cloud condensation nuclei. Newly formed nanoparticles affect human health, air …
Atmospheric new particle formation from the CERN CLOUD experiment
Aerosol particles in the atmosphere profoundly influence public health and climate. Ultrafine
particles enter the body through the lungs and can translocate to essentially all organs, and …
particles enter the body through the lungs and can translocate to essentially all organs, and …
Rapid growth of organic aerosol nanoparticles over a wide tropospheric temperature range
Nucleation and growth of aerosol particles from atmospheric vapors constitutes a major
source of global cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). The fraction of newly formed particles …
source of global cloud condensation nuclei (CCN). The fraction of newly formed particles …
Molecular understanding of new-particle formation from α-pinene between −50 and +25 °C
Highly oxygenated organic molecules (HOMs) contribute substantially to the formation and
growth of atmospheric aerosol particles, which affect air quality, human health and Earth's …
growth of atmospheric aerosol particles, which affect air quality, human health and Earth's …
Peroxy radical chemistry and the volatility basis set
M Schervish, NM Donahue - Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2020 - acp.copernicus.org
Gas-phase autoxidation of organics can generate highly oxygenated organic molecules
(HOMs) and thus increase secondary organic aerosol production and enable new-particle …
(HOMs) and thus increase secondary organic aerosol production and enable new-particle …
[HTML][HTML] Molecular understanding of the suppression of new-particle formation by isoprene
Nucleation of atmospheric vapours produces more than half of global cloud condensation
nuclei and so has an important influence on climate. Recent studies show that monoterpene …
nuclei and so has an important influence on climate. Recent studies show that monoterpene …
High concentration of ultrafine particles in the Amazon free troposphere produced by organic new particle formation
The large concentrations of ultrafine particles consistently observed at high altitudes over
the tropics represent one of the world's largest aerosol reservoirs, which may be providing a …
the tropics represent one of the world's largest aerosol reservoirs, which may be providing a …