[PDF][PDF] Context-aware assistive systems for augmented work: a framework using gamification and projection

O Korn - 2014 - researchgate.net
While context-aware assistive systems (CAAS) have become ubiquitous in cars or
smartphones, most workers in production environments still rely on their skills and expertise …

Analysis, Design, and Prototypical Implementation of a Serious Game Reha@Stroke to Support Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients With the Help of a Mobile Phone

R Baranyi, P Czech, S Hofstätter… - IEEE Transactions …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Stroke is affecting different age groups worldwide with tremendous consequences. Most
stroke survivors suffer from motor impairment, where rehabilitation helps to regain lost …

HypomimiaCoach: An AU-based Digital Therapy System for Hypomimia Detection & Rehabilitation with Parkinson's Disease

Y Xu, X Cai, Z Zhou, M Xue, B Wang, H Wang… - ar** People …, 2014 - Springer
LNCS 8547 - “Gardener” Serious Game for Stroke Patients Page 1 K. Miesenberger et al. (Eds.):
ICCHP 2014, Part I, LNCS 8547, pp. 272–275, 2014. © Springer International Publishing …

[PDF][PDF] Context-Aware Assistive Systems for Augmented Work. A Framework Using Jdpl￀ fdwlrq# dqg# Surmhfwlrq

O KOrn - academia.edu
While context-aware assistive systems (CAAS) have become ubiquitous in cars or
smartphones, most workers in production environments still rely on their skills and expertise …

[CITATA][C] Testing methods of Colour-Fidelity and Barrier-Free Design of Virtual Worlds

C Sik-Lanyi - 2020 - D. Sc. Theses, Hungarian Academy …