[HTML][HTML] Stability analysis for Zakharov–Kuznetsov equation of weakly nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a plasma

AR Seadawy - Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2014 - Elsevier
Abstract The Zakharov–Kuznetsov (ZK) equation is an isotropic nonlinear evolution
equation, first derived for weakly nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a strongly magnetized …

Interaction of ion-acoustic solitons for multi-dimensional Zakharov Kuznetsov equation in Van Allen radiation belts

MY Khattak, W Masood, R Jahangir, M Siddiq… - Chaos, Solitons & …, 2022 - Elsevier
The propagation of nonlinear ion-acoustic waves (IAWs) in a magnetoplasma having
superthermal inertialess electrons and inertial warm adiabatic ions is examined. In this …

Dynamics of ion-acoustic solitary waves in three-dimensional magnetized plasma with thermal ions and electrons: a pseudopotential analysis

B Madhukalya, J Kalita, R Das, K Hosseini… - Optical and Quantum …, 2024 - Springer
The existence of both subsonic (M< 1) and supersonic (M> 1) compressive (N> 1) solitons
within a three-dimensional magnetized plasma model featuring thermal ions and electrons …

Supernonlinear wave and multistability in magneto-rotating plasma with (r, q) distributed electrons

A Abdikian, J Tamang, A Saha - Physica Scripta, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
Supernonlinear ion-acoustic waves (IAWs) and their multistability are studied under the
Zakharov-Kuznetsov (ZK) and modified ZK (mZK) equations in a rotating magnetized …

Head-on collision of ion acoustic solitary waves in an electron-positron-ion plasma with superthermal electrons

P Chatterjee, K Roy, SV Muniandy, CS Wong… - Physics of …, 2010 - pubs.aip.org
The head-on collision of ion acoustic solitary waves in a three-component unmagnetized
plasma with cold ions, Boltzmann distributed positrons, and superthermal electrons is …

[HTML][HTML] On a modified Korteweg–de Vries equation for electrostatic structures in relativistic degenerate electron–positron plasma

A Abdikian, B Ghanbari - Results in Physics, 2023 - Elsevier
In this paper, the propagation of acoustic solitons in an electron–positron (e–p) degenerate
plasma with the relativistically degenerate electrons and positrons is studied. Moreover, we …

Bifurcations of nonlinear ion acoustic travelling waves in the frame of a Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in magnetized plasma with a kappa distributed electron

U Kumar Samanta, A Saha, P Chatterjee - Physics of Plasmas, 2013 - pubs.aip.org
Bifurcations of nonlinear propagation of ion acoustic waves (IAWs) in a magnetized plasma
whose constituents are cold ions and kappa distributed electron are investigated using a two …

Effect of Cairns-Tsallis distribution on ion acoustic waves in interstellar medium

DN Gao, ZZ Li, JH Chen - Chinese Journal of Physics, 2024 - Elsevier
Ion acoustic waves (IAWs) in an electron–positron–ion (EPI) plasma are studied as affected
by various plasma parameters, eg, electron density, ion temperature, cold ion cyclotron …

Stationary structures in a four component dense magnetoplasma with lateral perturbations

S Thakur, C Das, S Chandra - IEEE Transactions on Plasma …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We considered a dense plasma containing electrons, positrons, ions and dust particles in
background magnetic and gravitational fields alongside collisional effects for the heavier …

Investigation of supernonlinear and nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a magnetized electron-ion plasma with generalized (r, q) distributed electrons

A Abdikian, J Tamang, A Saha - Waves in Random and Complex …, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
Bifurcations of nonlinear and supernonlinear ion-acoustic waves (IAWs) are studied in an
electron-ion plasmas with generalized (r, q)-distributed electrons. The IAWs are examined …