Transient wave-based methods for anomaly detection in fluid pipes: A review
Over the years, anomaly detection of fluid pipes has been a focus of water authorities as well
as oil and gas operators to advance the operation and management of these mechanical …
as oil and gas operators to advance the operation and management of these mechanical …
State-of-the-art review on the transient flow modeling and utilization for urban water supply system (UWSS) management
In the context of smart city development and rapid urbanization worldwide, urban water
supply system (UWSS) has been of vital importance to this process. This paper presents a …
supply system (UWSS) has been of vital importance to this process. This paper presents a …
Leak detection and topology identification in pipelines using fluid transients and artificial neural networks
Condition assessment of water pipelines using fluid transient waves is a noninvasive
technique that has been investigated for the past 25 years. Approaches to identify different …
technique that has been investigated for the past 25 years. Approaches to identify different …
Anomaly pre-localization in distribution–transmission mains by pump trip: preliminary field tests in the Milan pipe system
In this paper, the reliability of transients due to pump trip as a powerful tool for the pre-
localization of anomalies in real pipe systems is tested. The examined pipe system is part of …
localization of anomalies in real pipe systems is tested. The examined pipe system is part of …
Water-hammer pressure waves interaction at cross-section changes in series in viscoelastic pipes
In view of scarcity of both experimental data and numerical models concerning transient
behavior of cross-section area changes in pressurized liquid flow, the paper presents …
behavior of cross-section area changes in pressurized liquid flow, the paper presents …
Numerical analysis of the transient pressure dam** in a single polymeric pipe with a leak
In recent decades transient test-based techniques (TTBTs) have been used for fault
detection in transmission mains. Within TTBTs, the direct transient analysis (DTA) allows the …
detection in transmission mains. Within TTBTs, the direct transient analysis (DTA) allows the …
Experimental investigation of coupled frequency and time-domain transient test–based techniques for partial blockage detection in pipelines
Partial blockages commonly exist in pressurized pipeline systems, and the rapid
remediation of such faults is required to reduce the wastage of energy as well as to maintain …
remediation of such faults is required to reduce the wastage of energy as well as to maintain …
Extended blockage detection in pipelines by using the system frequency response analysis
This paper proposes a technique for the detection of extended blockages in pressurized
water pipelines by using the system frequency responses under transient conditions. The …
water pipelines by using the system frequency responses under transient conditions. The …
Frequency domain analysis of pipe fluid transient behaviour
Pipe transient signals are hyperbolic in nature where key features of the signal repeat
periodically and are well suited to the analysis in the frequency domain. For this reason, a …
periodically and are well suited to the analysis in the frequency domain. For this reason, a …
Extended blockage detection in pipes using the system frequency response: Analytical analysis and experimental verification
Extended blockages in a pipeline system are expected to impose changes onto the system
resonant frequencies where the size and nature of the frequency shifts can be used to …
resonant frequencies where the size and nature of the frequency shifts can be used to …