MALL: The pedagogical challenges
J Burston - Computer Assisted Language Learning, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
In this paper the development of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) over the past 20
years is reviewed with a particular focus on the pedagogical challenges facing its …
years is reviewed with a particular focus on the pedagogical challenges facing its …
Cross-cultural analysis of users' attitudes toward the use of mobile devices in second and foreign language learning in higher education: A case from Sweden and …
The present study examined the current state of students' attitudes toward mobile technology
use in and for second and foreign language learning in higher education. Moreover, the …
use in and for second and foreign language learning in higher education. Moreover, the …
Adaptivity in educational systems for language learning: a review
Adaptive and intelligent instructional systems are used to deal with the issue of learning
personalisation in contexts where human instructors are not immediately available, so their …
personalisation in contexts where human instructors are not immediately available, so their …
Mobile assisted language learning (MALL)–A brief survey
M Ali, SK Miraz - Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing …, 2018 - aetic.theiaer.org
This research article presents a brief survey of language learning applications implemented
on mobile computing devices, such as cellular mobile phones. The corpus of the literature …
on mobile computing devices, such as cellular mobile phones. The corpus of the literature …
[HTML][HTML] Agenda colaborativa para el aprendizaje de idiomas: del papel al dispositivo móvil
En este artículo se presenta un sistema multiusuario específicamente diseñado para facilitar
el aprendizaje colaborativo de idiomas a través de dispositivos móviles. El sistema facilita …
el aprendizaje colaborativo de idiomas a través de dispositivos móviles. El sistema facilita …
A new trend of mobile and ubiquitous learning research: towards enhancing ubiquitous learning experiences
This paper overviews features and approaches of technology-driven researches on
educational system development, describes research trends on mobile and ubiquitous …
educational system development, describes research trends on mobile and ubiquitous …
A comparison between mobile and ubiquitous learning from the perspective of human–computer interaction
A comparison between mobile and ubiquitous learning from the perspective of human–computer
interaction Page 1 218 Int. J. Mobile Learning and Organisation, Vol. 6, Nos. 3/4, 2012 …
interaction Page 1 218 Int. J. Mobile Learning and Organisation, Vol. 6, Nos. 3/4, 2012 …
[PDF][PDF] Mobile language learning: Getting IT to work
J Burston - Foreign language instructional technology, 2012 - academia.edu
This paper focuses on the technological and pedagogical aspects of the design and
implementation of MobLang, a mobile phone-based language teaching program. Mobile …
implementation of MobLang, a mobile phone-based language teaching program. Mobile …
[PDF][PDF] Exploiting the pedagogical potential of MALL
J Burston - Proceedings of Mobile Learning as the future of …, 2011 - researchgate.net
The purpose of this talk is to demonstrate that Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL)
in general, and mobile phone usage in particular, is capable of supporting applications …
in general, and mobile phone usage in particular, is capable of supporting applications …
Cross-cultural usability issues in e/m-learning
This paper gives an overview of electronic learning (E-Learning) and mobile learning (M-
Learning) adoption and diffusion trends, as well as their particular traits, characteristics and …
Learning) adoption and diffusion trends, as well as their particular traits, characteristics and …