[HTML][HTML] Deglaciation of the north American ice sheet complex in calendar years based on a comprehensive database of chronological data: NADI-1
The most recent deglaciation of the North American Ice Sheet Complex (NAISC: comprising
the Innuitian, Cordilleran, and Laurentide ice sheets) offers a broad perspective from which …
the Innuitian, Cordilleran, and Laurentide ice sheets) offers a broad perspective from which …
The deglaciation of the Americas during the Last Glacial Termination
This paper reviews current understanding of deglaciation in North, Central and South
America from the Last Glacial Maximum to the beginning of the Holocene. Together with …
America from the Last Glacial Maximum to the beginning of the Holocene. Together with …
Deglaciation of the Pacific coastal corridor directly preceded the human colonization of the Americas
The route and timing of early human migration to the Americas have been a contentious
topic for decades. Recent paleogenetic analyses suggest that the initial colonization from …
topic for decades. Recent paleogenetic analyses suggest that the initial colonization from …
The Missoula and Bonneville floods—A review of ice-age megafloods in the Columbia River basin
Abstract The Channeled Scabland of eastern Washington State, USA, brought megafloods
to the scientific forefront. A 30,000-km 2 landscape of coulees and cataracts carved into the …
to the scientific forefront. A 30,000-km 2 landscape of coulees and cataracts carved into the …
Retreat of the western Cordilleran ice sheet margin during the last deglaciation
Abstract The timing of Cordilleran Ice Sheet deglaciation along the central coast of British
Columbia, Canada, informs climate forcing and early human migration. Thirty‐two 10Be …
Columbia, Canada, informs climate forcing and early human migration. Thirty‐two 10Be …
[HTML][HTML] Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments and a possible glacial refugium on northern Vancouver Island, Canada: Evidence for the viability of early human …
Multi-proxy palaeoecological analyses of lake cores from two sites on northern Vancouver
Island reveal previously undocumented non-arboreal environments in the region during the …
Island reveal previously undocumented non-arboreal environments in the region during the …
New constraints on the last deglaciation of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet in coastal Southeast Alaska
Understanding marine-terminating ice sheet response to past climate transitions provides
valuable long-term context for observations of modern ice sheet change. Here, we …
valuable long-term context for observations of modern ice sheet change. Here, we …
Pleistocene glaciation of british Columbia
Abstract The Cordilleran Ice Sheet developed over British Columbia and surrounding areas
repeatedly during the Pleistocene and most recently during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 2 …
repeatedly during the Pleistocene and most recently during Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 2 …
New age constraints for human entry into the Americas on the north Pacific coast
ML Steffen - Scientific Reports, 2024 - nature.com
The timing of the initial peopling of the Americas is unresolved. Because the archaeological
record necessitates discussion of human entry from Beringia into southern North America …
record necessitates discussion of human entry from Beringia into southern North America …
Numerical simulations of the Cordilleran ice sheet through the last glacial cycle
After more than a century of geological research, the Cordilleran ice sheet of North America
remains among the least understood in terms of its former extent, volume, and dynamics …
remains among the least understood in terms of its former extent, volume, and dynamics …