Tectonic evolution of the Sevier and Laramide belts within the North American Cordillera orogenic system
The thin-skin Sevier and thick-skin Laramide belts of the North American Cordillera provide
a long-term record of the interrelations between evolving styles of mountain building and …
a long-term record of the interrelations between evolving styles of mountain building and …
Mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean
The Mediterranean offers a unique opportunity to study the driving forces of tectonic
deformation within a complex mobile belt. Lithospheric dynamics are affected by slab …
deformation within a complex mobile belt. Lithospheric dynamics are affected by slab …
Global mantle structure from multifrequency tomography using P, PP and P-diffracted waves
In global-scale seismic tomography, teleseismic P and PP waves mainly constrain structures
in the upper two thirds of the mantle, whereas core-diffracted waves (Pdiff) constrain the …
in the upper two thirds of the mantle, whereas core-diffracted waves (Pdiff) constrain the …
Continental-root control on the genesis of magmatic ore deposits
Giant magma-related ore systems are prime targets for modern mineral exploration, yet it is
unclear what controls their formation. The magmas originate in Earth's convecting mantle. To …
unclear what controls their formation. The magmas originate in Earth's convecting mantle. To …
P and S wave tomography of the mantle beneath the United States
Mantle seismic structure beneath the United States spanning from the active western plate
margin to the passive eastern margin was imaged with teleseismic P and S wave traveltime …
margin to the passive eastern margin was imaged with teleseismic P and S wave traveltime …
Deep electrical resistivity structure of the northwestern US derived from 3-D inversion of USArray magnetotelluric data
Abstract Long period (10–20,000 s) magnetotelluric (MT) data are being acquired across the
continental USA on a quasi-regular grid of∼ 70 km spacing as an electromagnetic …
continental USA on a quasi-regular grid of∼ 70 km spacing as an electromagnetic …
Imaging the North American continent using waveform inversion of global and USArray data
The deployment of USArray during the last decade has produced dense sampling of the
central part of the North American continent with broadband seismic data. Regional …
central part of the North American continent with broadband seismic data. Regional …
Location, location, location: The variable lifespan of the Laramide orogeny
The Laramide orogeny had a spatially variable lifespan, which we explain using a
geodynamic model that incorporates onset and demise of flat-slab subduction. Laramide …
geodynamic model that incorporates onset and demise of flat-slab subduction. Laramide …
Tectono-stratigraphic framework of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian strata, west-central US: Protracted rifting, glaciation, and evolution of the North American Cordilleran …
Stratigraphic, geochronologic, and geochemical patterns of Neoproterozoic to Cambrian
sedimentary and volcanic rocks in Utah, Nevada, and SE Idaho record a dynamically …
sedimentary and volcanic rocks in Utah, Nevada, and SE Idaho record a dynamically …
Continuing Colorado plateau uplift by delamination-style convective lithospheric downwelling
The Colorado plateau is a large, tectonically intact, physiographic province in the
southwestern North American Cordillera that stands at∼ 1,800–2,000 m elevation and has …
southwestern North American Cordillera that stands at∼ 1,800–2,000 m elevation and has …