Empowering software maintainers with semantic web technologies
Software maintainers routinely have to deal with a multitude of artifacts, like source code or
documents, which often end up disconnected, due to their different representations and the …
documents, which often end up disconnected, due to their different representations and the …
From requirements to UML models and back: how automatic processing of text can support requirements engineering
Software engineering is supposed to be a structured process, but manual tasks leave much
leeway. Ideally, these tasks lie in the hands of skilled analysts and software engineers. This …
leeway. Ideally, these tasks lie in the hands of skilled analysts and software engineers. This …
Ontological approach for the semantic recovery of traceability links between software artefacts
Traceability links provide support for software engineers in understanding relations and
dependencies among software artefacts created during the software development process …
dependencies among software artefacts created during the software development process …
Text mining and software engineering: an integrated source code and document analysis approach
Documents written in natural languages constitute a major part of the artefacts produced
during the software engineering life cycle. Especially during software maintenance or …
during the software engineering life cycle. Especially during software maintenance or …
Natural language specification improvement with ontologies
SJ Körner, T Brumm - International Journal of Semantic Computing, 2009 - World Scientific
Requirements engineering can solve and cause many problems in a software development
cycle. The difficulties in understanding and eliciting the desired functionality from the …
cycle. The difficulties in understanding and eliciting the desired functionality from the …
Platform ontologies for the model-driven architecture
The model-driven architecture enables the deployment of software applications on different
platforms. It is based on a pattern in which a platform-independent model is transformed into …
platforms. It is based on a pattern in which a platform-independent model is transformed into …
Beyond information silos—An omnipresent approach to software evolution
Nowadays, software development and maintenance are highly distributed processes that
involve a multitude of supporting tools and resources. Knowledge relevant for a particular …
involve a multitude of supporting tools and resources. Knowledge relevant for a particular …
Battery Charger Design with PI Control Based on Arduino Uno R3
In line with the increase in the electrification ratio target to 100% in 2025, the electricity
demand is projected to increase more than 7 times to 1,611 TWh in 2050. the share reached …
demand is projected to increase more than 7 times to 1,611 TWh in 2050. the share reached …
A quality perspective of software evolvability using semantic analysis
Software development and maintenance are highly distributed processes that involve a
multitude of supporting tools and resources. Knowledge relevant to these resources is …
multitude of supporting tools and resources. Knowledge relevant to these resources is …
[BOK][B] RECAA-Werkzeugunterstützung in der Anforderungserhebung
SJ Körner - 2014 - books.google.com
Natürliche Sprache ist das Hauptvehikel um Anforderungen in der Softwareentwicklung zu
transportieren. Sie ist allgegenwärtig. Bis heute ist die Anforderungserhebung …
transportieren. Sie ist allgegenwärtig. Bis heute ist die Anforderungserhebung …