Higher-order topological phases in crystalline and non-crystalline systems: a review
Higher-order topological phases in crystalline and non-crystalline systems: a review Page 1
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT • OPEN ACCESS Higher-order …
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter ACCEPTED MANUSCRIPT • OPEN ACCESS Higher-order …
Magnetic Second‐Order Topological Insulator: An Experimentally Feasible 2D CrSiTe3
Abstract 2D second‐order topological insulators (SOTIs) have sparked significant interest,
but currently, the proposed realistic 2D materials for SOTIs are limited to nonmagnetic …
but currently, the proposed realistic 2D materials for SOTIs are limited to nonmagnetic …
Möbius Insulator and Higher-Order Topology in
We propose MnBi 2 n Te 3 n+ 1 as a magnetically tunable platform for realizing various
symmetry-protected higher-order topology. Its canted antiferromagnetic phase can host …
symmetry-protected higher-order topology. Its canted antiferromagnetic phase can host …
Observation of a higher-order topological bound state in the continuum
Higher-order topological insulators are a recently discovered class of materials that can
possess zero-dimensional localized states regardless of the dimension of the system. Here …
possess zero-dimensional localized states regardless of the dimension of the system. Here …
Second-order topological non-Hermitian skin effects
Higher-order topology realizes topologically robust corner modes as a manifestation of
nontriviality. We theoretically propose non-Hermitian skin effects which stem from the …
nontriviality. We theoretically propose non-Hermitian skin effects which stem from the …
Engineering corner states from two-dimensional topological insulators
We theoretically demonstrate that the second-order topological insulator with robust corner
states can be realized in two-dimensional Z 2 topological insulators by applying an in-plane …
states can be realized in two-dimensional Z 2 topological insulators by applying an in-plane …
Universal approach to magnetic second-order topological insulator
We propose a universal practical approach to realize magnetic second-order topological
insulator (SOTI) materials, based on properly breaking the time reversal symmetry in …
insulator (SOTI) materials, based on properly breaking the time reversal symmetry in …
Robust second-order topological insulators with giant valley polarization in two-dimensional honeycomb ferromagnets
Magnetic topological states have attracted great attention that provide exciting platforms for
exploring prominent physical phenomena and applications of topological spintronics. Here …
exploring prominent physical phenomena and applications of topological spintronics. Here …
Spin-resolved topology and partial axion angles in three-dimensional insulators
Symmetry-protected topological crystalline insulators (TCIs) have primarily been
characterized by their gapless boundary states. However, in time-reversal-(T-) invariant …
characterized by their gapless boundary states. However, in time-reversal-(T-) invariant …
Fractional disclination charge in two-dimensional -symmetric topological crystalline insulators
Robust fractional charge localized at disclination defects has recently been found as a
topological response in C 6-symmetric 2D topological crystalline insulators (TCIs). In this …
topological response in C 6-symmetric 2D topological crystalline insulators (TCIs). In this …