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The operationalization of circular economy (CE) strategies requires consumer involvement
in the acquisition, use, and disposal of products and services. However, encouraging …
in the acquisition, use, and disposal of products and services. However, encouraging …
How Industry 4.0 technologies and open innovation can improve green innovation performance?
Purpose This study investigates the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on green innovation
performance. In this relationship, the mediating role of green innovation behavior is also …
performance. In this relationship, the mediating role of green innovation behavior is also …
What motivates consumers to buy organic foods? Results of an empirical study in the United States
Consumers perceive organic foods as more nutritious, natural, and environmentally friendly
than non-organic or conventional foods. Since organic foods developed, studies on …
than non-organic or conventional foods. Since organic foods developed, studies on …
Factors influencing Indian consumers' actual buying behaviour towards organic food products
The organic foods are perceived as more nutritious, healthy, and nature-friendly than
conventional food. Consumers, therefore, are switching over to organic food products and …
conventional food. Consumers, therefore, are switching over to organic food products and …
Green product attributes and green purchase behavior: A theory of planned behavior perspective with implications for circular economy
Purpose Nowadays, understanding green consumers has become very critical given its
implications for marketers to understand and communicate green purchase patterns on the …
implications for marketers to understand and communicate green purchase patterns on the …
Sustainability of green tourism among international tourists and its influence on the achievement of green environment: Evidence from North Cyprus
Sustainability of green tourism is gaining more attention from different stakeholders due to its
environmental benefits. However, empirical studies on the behavioral aspect of the tourists …
environmental benefits. However, empirical studies on the behavioral aspect of the tourists …
[PDF][PDF] Impact of green marketing mix on purchase intention
TO Mahmoud - International Journal of Advanced and applied …, 2018 - researchgate.net
Green marketing concept emerged as a result of organizations' interest in environment.
These originations realized that their survival and continuity lies in the coordination between …
These originations realized that their survival and continuity lies in the coordination between …
Green consumerism: overview and further research directions
A Sharma, S Joshi - International Journal of Process …, 2017 - inderscienceonline.com
This paper examines existing literature on green consumerism and discusses various
influences on green purchase behaviour. The study digs into less explored influences …
influences on green purchase behaviour. The study digs into less explored influences …
NM Suki - International Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies, 2013 - core.ac.uk
Consumers' awareness on products marketed in green marketing is important in guiding
their purchasing decision of green products. This study aims to examine the influence of …
their purchasing decision of green products. This study aims to examine the influence of …
Not all who proclaim to be green are really green: analysis of intention behavior gap through a systematic review of literature
This study provides a detailed analysis of the" green gap" as it is presented in existing
literature. It covers the definition of the gap, the reasons behind it, and the proposed …
literature. It covers the definition of the gap, the reasons behind it, and the proposed …