On identifying terrorists using their victory signs
ABA Hassanat - Data Science Journal, 2018 - account.datascience.codata.org
In certain cases, the only evidence to identify terrorists, who are seen in digital images or
videos is their hands' shapes, particularly, the victory sign as performed by many of them …
videos is their hands' shapes, particularly, the victory sign as performed by many of them …
Victory sign biometrie for terrorists identification: Preliminary results
Covering the face and all body parts, sometimes the only evidence to identify a person is
their hand geometry, and not the whole hand-only two fingers (the index and the middle …
their hand geometry, and not the whole hand-only two fingers (the index and the middle …
New mobile phone and webcam hand images databases for personal authentication and identification
A Hassanat, M Al-Awadi, E Btoush, A Al-Btoush… - Procedia …, 2015 - Elsevier
In this work we created two hand image databases, usingmobile phone cameras and
webcams. Themajor goal of these databases is to build upon aperson's authentication …
webcams. Themajor goal of these databases is to build upon aperson's authentication …
Using hand-dorsal images to reproduce face images by applying back propagation and cascade-forward neural networks
This paper concentrates on reproducing face images from hand-dorsal images. This idea is
adopted to enhance the biometric system outcomes. That is, best identifications can be …
adopted to enhance the biometric system outcomes. That is, best identifications can be …
[PDF][PDF] A GUI-Based Peg-Free Hand Geometry Recognition for Biometric Access Control using Artificial Neural Network
KB Adedeji, OA Esanb - Journal of Engineering Advancements, 2022 - academia.edu
Hand geometry has been a widely used biometric authentication because it is generally
believed that the human hand has sufficient anatomical features which could be used for …
believed that the human hand has sufficient anatomical features which could be used for …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of ANN Training Algorithms for Hand Geometry-based Access Control
KB Adedeji - system, 2024 - ijais.org
Hand geometry-based identification systems are one of the most widely used access control
systems due to their simplicity and low cost. Extracted features of hand images are deployed …
systems due to their simplicity and low cost. Extracted features of hand images are deployed …
[PDF][PDF] Victory Sign Biometric for Terrorists Identification: Preliminary Results, Presentation
ABA Hassanat, E Btoush, MA Abbadi… - Proceedings of the … - researchgate.net
Vsign presentation2 Page 1 Victory Sign Biometric for Terrorists Identification: Preliminary
Results, presentation Ahmad BA Hassanat Eman Btoush, Mohammad Ali Abbadi, Bassam M …
Results, presentation Ahmad BA Hassanat Eman Btoush, Mohammad Ali Abbadi, Bassam M …
Hand biometric system is one of the better, faster and safer identification methods. It is the
most suitable and more cost effective solution than the other methods of identification such …
most suitable and more cost effective solution than the other methods of identification such …