Reap the crop wild relatives for breeding future crops
Crop wild relatives (CWRs) have provided breeders with several'game-changing'traits or
genes that have boosted crop resilience and global agricultural production. Advances in …
genes that have boosted crop resilience and global agricultural production. Advances in …
Salt stress under the scalpel–dissecting the genetics of salt tolerance
Salt stress limits the productivity of crops grown under saline conditions, leading to
substantial losses of yield in saline soils and under brackish and saline irrigation. Salt …
substantial losses of yield in saline soils and under brackish and saline irrigation. Salt …
Crop wild relatives: A valuable source of tolerance to various abiotic stresses
Global climate change is one of the major constraints limiting plant growth, production, and
sustainability worldwide. Moreover, breeding efforts in the past years have focused on …
sustainability worldwide. Moreover, breeding efforts in the past years have focused on …
Genome of Solanum pimpinellifolium provides insights into structural variants during tomato breeding
Solanum pimpinellifolium (SP) is the wild progenitor of cultivated tomato. Because of its
remarkable stress tolerance and intense flavor, SP has been used as an important …
remarkable stress tolerance and intense flavor, SP has been used as an important …
The genomic route to tomato breeding: Past, present, and future
Y Wang, C Sun, Z Ye, C Li, S Huang, T Lin - Plant Physiology, 2024 - academic.oup.com
Abstract Over the past 10,000 years, tomato species have undergone both unintentional and
intentional selection to enhance their favorable traits for human consumption and …
intentional selection to enhance their favorable traits for human consumption and …
Rewilding crops for climate resilience: economic analysis and de novo domestication strategies
To match predicted population growth, annual food production should be doubled by 2050.
This is not achievable by current agronomical and breeding practices, due to the impact of …
This is not achievable by current agronomical and breeding practices, due to the impact of …
Genome sequences of horticultural plants: past, present, and future
Horticultural plants play various and critical roles for humans by providing fruits, vegetables,
materials for beverages, and herbal medicines and by acting as ornamentals. They have …
materials for beverages, and herbal medicines and by acting as ornamentals. They have …
Mechanisms of salinity tolerance and their possible application in the breeding of vegetables
Background In dry and semi-arid areas, salinity is the most serious hazard to agriculture,
which can affect plant growth and development adversely. Over-accumulation of Na+ in …
which can affect plant growth and development adversely. Over-accumulation of Na+ in …
[HTML][HTML] The effective role of nano-silicon application in improving the productivity and quality of grafted tomato grown under salinity stress
This study aims to determine the influence of grafting and nano-silicon fertilizer on the
growth and production of tomatoes (Solanumlycopersicum L.) under salinity conditions. A …
growth and production of tomatoes (Solanumlycopersicum L.) under salinity conditions. A …
Single primer enrichment technology (SPET) for high-throughput genoty** in tomato and eggplant germplasm
Single primer enrichment technology (SPET) is a new, robust, and customizable solution for
targeted genoty**. Unlike genoty** by sequencing (GBS), and like DNA chips, SPET is …
targeted genoty**. Unlike genoty** by sequencing (GBS), and like DNA chips, SPET is …