[HTML][HTML] A survey of multimodal information fusion for smart healthcare: Map** the journey from data to wisdom
Multimodal medical data fusion has emerged as a transformative approach in smart
healthcare, enabling a comprehensive understanding of patient health and personalized …
healthcare, enabling a comprehensive understanding of patient health and personalized …
Domain-specific knowledge graphs: A survey
B Abu-Salih - Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 2021 - Elsevier
Abstract Knowledge Graphs (KGs) have made a qualitative leap and effected a real
revolution in knowledge representation. This is leveraged by the underlying structure of the …
revolution in knowledge representation. This is leveraged by the underlying structure of the …
Healthcare knowledge graph construction: A systematic review of the state-of-the-art, open issues, and opportunities
The incorporation of data analytics in the healthcare industry has made significant progress,
driven by the demand for efficient and effective big data analytics solutions. Knowledge …
driven by the demand for efficient and effective big data analytics solutions. Knowledge …
Medical knowledge graph: Data sources, construction, reasoning, and applications
Medical knowledge graphs (MKGs) are the basis for intelligent health care, and they have
been in use in a variety of intelligent medical applications. Thus, understanding the research …
been in use in a variety of intelligent medical applications. Thus, understanding the research …
A new complex fuzzy inference system with fuzzy knowledge graph and extensions in decision making
Context and Background: Complex fuzzy theory has a strong practical implication in many
real-world applications. Complex Fuzzy Inference System (CFIS) is a powerful technique to …
real-world applications. Complex Fuzzy Inference System (CFIS) is a powerful technique to …
Topic analysis and development in knowledge graph research: A bibliometric review on three decades
Abstract Knowledge graph as a research topic is increasingly popular to represent structural
relations between entities. Recent years have witnessed the release of various open-source …
relations between entities. Recent years have witnessed the release of various open-source …
Knowledge graph enrichment from clinical narratives using NLP, NER, and biomedical ontologies for healthcare applications
Electronic health records (EHR) contain patients' health information in varied formats such
as clinical reports written in natural language, X-rays, MRI, case/discharge-summary, etc …
as clinical reports written in natural language, X-rays, MRI, case/discharge-summary, etc …
Zero-Shot Construction of Chinese Medical Knowledge Graph with GPT-3.5-turbo and GPT-4
Knowledge graphs have revolutionized the organization and retrieval of real-world
knowledge, prompting interest in automatic NLP-based approaches for extracting medical …
knowledge, prompting interest in automatic NLP-based approaches for extracting medical …
Reliable knowledge graph fact prediction via reinforcement learning
F Zhou, J Mi, B Zhang, J Shi, R Zhang, X Chen… - Visual Computing for …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Knowledge graph (KG) fact prediction aims to complete a KG by determining the
truthfulness of predicted triples. Reinforcement learning (RL)-based approaches have been …
truthfulness of predicted triples. Reinforcement learning (RL)-based approaches have been …
Subgraph2vec: A random walk-based algorithm for embedding knowledge graphs
Graph is an important data representation which occurs naturally in the real world
applications\cite {goyal2018graph}. Therefore, analyzing graphs provides users with better …
applications\cite {goyal2018graph}. Therefore, analyzing graphs provides users with better …