Energy crosstalk between photosynthesis and the algal CO2-concentrating mechanisms
A Burlacot, G Peltier - Trends in Plant Science, 2023 - cell.com
Microalgal photosynthesis is responsible for nearly half of the CO 2 annually captured by
Earth's ecosystems. In aquatic environments where the CO 2 availability is low, the CO 2 …
Earth's ecosystems. In aquatic environments where the CO 2 availability is low, the CO 2 …
Review on carbon dioxide fixation coupled with nutrients removal from wastewater by microalgae
The application of microalgae in carbon dioxide (CO 2) fixation coupled with wastewater
treatment has been regarded as a promising and cutting-edge technology in recent years …
treatment has been regarded as a promising and cutting-edge technology in recent years …
An overview on the recently discovered iota-carbonic anhydrases
Abstract Carbonic anhydrases (CAs, EC 4.2. 1.1) have been studied for decades and have
been classified as a superfamily of enzymes which includes, up to date, eight gene families …
been classified as a superfamily of enzymes which includes, up to date, eight gene families …
Carbon dioxide removal from air by microalgae cultured in a membrane-photobioreactor
L Cheng, L Zhang, H Chen, C Gao - Separation and purification technology, 2006 - Elsevier
Elevated CO2 levels in a closed space or room are of big concerns in many situations.
Controlling the CO2 level within a certain range is one of the most important tasks in a life …
Controlling the CO2 level within a certain range is one of the most important tasks in a life …
Sensitivity of phytoplankton to future changes in ocean carbonate chemistry: current knowledge, contradictions and research directions
Despite their microscopic size, marine phytoplankton are responsible for about half of the
global primary production and represent the basis of the marine food web. This diverse …
global primary production and represent the basis of the marine food web. This diverse …
Meta‐analysis reveals enhanced growth of marine harmful algae from temperate regions with warming and elevated CO2 levels
Elevated pCO2 and warming may promote algal growth and toxin production, and thereby
possibly support the proliferation and toxicity of harmful algal blooms (HABs). Here, we …
possibly support the proliferation and toxicity of harmful algal blooms (HABs). Here, we …
Determination of the rate constants for the carbon dioxide to bicarbonate inter-conversion in pH-buffered seawater systems
Experimental setups to study modes of inorganic carbon acquisition and fixation rates by
marine phytoplankton commonly make use of so-called disequilibrium techniques. The …
marine phytoplankton commonly make use of so-called disequilibrium techniques. The …
Warming and ocean acidification effects on phytoplankton—from species shifts to size shifts within species in a mesocosm experiment
U Sommer, C Paul, M Moustaka-Gouni - PloS one, 2015 - journals.plos.org
While the isolated responses of marine phytoplankton to climate warming and to ocean
acidification have been studied intensively, studies on the combined effect of both aspects of …
acidification have been studied intensively, studies on the combined effect of both aspects of …
Inorganic carbon acquisition in potentially toxic and non‐toxic diatoms: the effect of pH‐induced changes in seawater carbonate chemistry
The effects of pH‐induced changes in seawater carbonate chemistry on inorganic carbon
(Ci) acquisition and domoic acid (DA) production were studied in two potentially toxic diatom …
(Ci) acquisition and domoic acid (DA) production were studied in two potentially toxic diatom …
A general model for carbon isotopes in red-lineage phytoplankton: Interplay between unidirectional processes and fractionation by RubisCO
The carbon isotopic composition of organic matter preserved in marine sediments provides
a window into the global carbon cycle through geologic time, including variations in …
a window into the global carbon cycle through geologic time, including variations in …