Conodont Biostratigraphy of Ordovician Deep-Water Turbiditic Sequences in Eastern Australia——A New Biozonal Scheme for the Open-Sea Realm
YY Zhen, IG Percival, P Gilmore… - Journal of Earth …, 2021 -
Ordovician conodonts representing 28 genera and 28 named and three unnamed species
were identified from 740 chert and siliceous siltstone spot samples (> 3 000 thin sections) …
were identified from 740 chert and siliceous siltstone spot samples (> 3 000 thin sections) …
Megascopic processes reflected in the microscopic realm: sedimentary and biotic dynamics of the Middle Ordovician “orthoceratite limestone” at Kinnekulle, Sweden
A Lindskog, ME Eriksson - Gff, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract The Middle Ordovician (Da**ian–middle Darriwilian)“orthoceratite limestone” is
documented in its traditional type area at Kinnekulle in the province of Västergötland in …
documented in its traditional type area at Kinnekulle in the province of Västergötland in …
Baltoscandian conodont biofacies fluctuations and their link to Middle Ordovician (Darriwilian) global cooling
JA Rasmussen, S Stouge - Palaeontology, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract The Middle Ordovician conodont genera that are suitable for palaeoenvironmental
interpretations from the epicontinental Baltoscandian platform have been identified and …
interpretations from the epicontinental Baltoscandian platform have been identified and …
Biostratigraphy and biofacies of the Middle Darriwilian (Ordovician) conodonts from the Laoshidan section in the western margin of the North China Craton
X **g, H Zhou, X Wang - Marine Micropaleontology, 2016 - Elsevier
Middle Ordovician conodonts from the Sandaokan and Zhuozishan formations of the
Laoshidan section at the western margin of the North China Craton, consist of 39 identified …
Laoshidan section at the western margin of the North China Craton, consist of 39 identified …
Floian (Early Ordovician) conodont-based biostratigraphy and biogeography of the Australasian Superprovince
YY Zhen, IG Percival, YD Zhang - Palaeoworld, 2015 - Elsevier
Abstract The Australasian Superprovince, a biogeographical entity defined by shallow water
conodont faunas that mainly inhabited Ordovician tropical zones of eastern Gondwana and …
conodont faunas that mainly inhabited Ordovician tropical zones of eastern Gondwana and …
Darriwilian (Middle ordovician) conodonts and graptolites from the cerro la chilca section, central precordillera, Argentina
F Serra, NA Feltes, MJ Mango, MA Henderson… - 2020 -
The Ordovician System is extensively represented in the Precordillera of San Juan Province,
Argentina. At the Cerro La Chilca in the Jáchal area, the limestone of the San Juan …
Argentina. At the Cerro La Chilca in the Jáchal area, the limestone of the San Juan …
Environmental controls on the development of Mississippian microbial carbonate mounds and platform limestones in southern Montagne Noire (France)
Late Mississippian carbonates in southern Montagne Noire are dominantly domical to
laterally‐accreted microbial mounds in some formations, as well as stratiform microbial …
laterally‐accreted microbial mounds in some formations, as well as stratiform microbial …
Microfacies analysis of the Lower-Middle Ordovician succession at **angshuidong, southwestern Hubei Province, and the drowning and shelf-ramp transition of a …
Abstract During the Early-Middle Ordovician, the Yangtze Platform in South China was
drowned, as indicated by the replacement of pure grey grainstones and packstones of the …
drowned, as indicated by the replacement of pure grey grainstones and packstones of the …
Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) conodont biofacies from the Central Precordillera of Argentina
F Serra, NA Feltes, MA Henderson… - Marine Micropaleontology, 2017 - Elsevier
Conodont biofacies structure was recognized throughout detailed stratigraphic sampling at
three localities from the Central Precordillera of Argentina; from north to south: Las …
three localities from the Central Precordillera of Argentina; from north to south: Las …
Upper Ordovician conodont biostratigraphy and biofacies from the Sigang section, Neixiang, Henan, central China
X **g, S Stouge, L Ding, X Wang, H Zhou - Palaeogeography …, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract The 186-m-thick Shiyanhe Formation exposed at the Sigang section, Neixiang
area, Henan Province, central China has been investigated for conodonts. The collected 33 …
area, Henan Province, central China has been investigated for conodonts. The collected 33 …