The status of forest carbon markets in Latin America

A Blanton, M Mohan, GAP Galgamuwa, MS Watt… - Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Abstract Tropical rainforests of Latin America (LATAM) are one of the world's largest carbon
sinks, with substantial future carbon sequestration potential and contributing a major …

Remote sensing-based biomass estimation of dry deciduous tropical forest using machine learning and ensemble analysis

C Singh, SK Karan, P Sardar, SR Samadder - Journal of Environmental …, 2022 - Elsevier
Forests play a vital role in maintaining the global carbon balance. However, globally, forest
ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change and deforestation in recent …

[HTML][HTML] A comparative analysis of machine learning techniques for aboveground biomass estimation: A case study of the Western Ghats, India

K Ayushi, KN Babu, N Ayyappan, JR Nair… - Ecological …, 2024 - Elsevier
Accurate assessment of aboveground biomass (AGB) in tropical forests, particularly within a
biodiversity hotspot, is vital for sustainable resource management and the preservation of …

[HTML][HTML] Remote sensing assessment of available green water to increase crop production in seasonal floodplain wetlands of sub-Saharan Africa

S Ayyad, P Karimi, M Langensiepen, L Ribbe… - Agricultural Water …, 2022 - Elsevier
Producing more food for a growing population requires sustainable crop intensification and
diversification, particularly in high-potential areas such as the seasonal floodplain wetlands …

Nature-Based Solutions in the Private Sector: Policy Opportunities for Sustainability in a Post-Pandemic World

Y Natori, A Kharrazi, R Portela, M Gough - SDGs in the Asia and Pacific …, 2023 - Springer
Biodiversity forms one of the most fundamental bases for sustainable development;
however, in the past decade insufficient financial provisions have crippled the …

Forest landscape dynamics after intentional large-scale fires in western Patagonia reveal unusual temperate forest recovery trends

Á Hernández-Moreno, DP Soto, A Miranda, A Holz… - Landscape …, 2023 - Springer
Abstract Context Western Chilean Patagonia is an isolated temperate region with an
important proportion of intact forest landscapes (IFL) that was subjected to large-scale fires …

Hybrid Global Annual 1-km IGBP Land Cover Maps for the Period 2000–2020

Y Luo, Z Zhu, W Zhao, M Li, J Chen, P Zhao… - Journal of Remote …, 2024 -
Land cover products provide critical information for monitoring and analyzing land surface
changes. However, notable disagreement and incompatible classification systems among …

Vulnerability of multi-designated landscape and its connectivity toward conservation: a case study in Kampar Kerumutan, Riau, Indonesia

OD Aulia, AA Condro, MF Barri, JB Ottay… - … Sumberdaya Alam dan …, 2023 -
Indonesia is declared by the United Nations as a country that meets its conservation targets.
However, Indonesia has not maximized the potential conservation of its territory, and the …

Rooting for forest resilience: Implications of climate and land-use change on the tropical rainforests

C Singh - 2023 -
Tropical rainforests in the Amazon and Congo River basins and their climate are mutually
dependent. Evaporation from these forests help regulate the regional and global water …

[PDF][PDF] Gestion des sols agricoles et climat: stockage de carbone et émissions de gaz à effet de serre

R Cardinael - 2023 -
Je déclare avoir respecté, dans la conception et la rédaction de ce mémoire d'HDR, les
valeurs et principes d'intégrité scientifique destinés à garantir le caractère honnête et …