Detection of typical defects in silicon photovoltaic modules and application for plants with distributed MPPT configuration

J Ahmad, A Ciocia, S Fichera, AF Murtaza, F Spertino - Energies, 2019‏ -
During their operational life, photovoltaic (PV) modules may exhibit various defects for poor
sorting of electrical performance during manufacturing, mishandling during transportation …

An interval power flow method based on linearized DistFlow equations for radial distribution systems

J Du, J Tian, Z Wu, A Li, G Abbas… - 2020 12th IEEE PES Asia …, 2020‏ -
With consideration of the radial structure of most distribution systems, this paper proposes
an interval power flow method based on linearized Distflow equations. In the proposed …

Data pre-processing and representation for energy calculations in net metering conditions

G Chicco, V Cocina, A Mazza - 2014 IEEE International Energy …, 2014‏ -
The different representations of the input data for energy system studies need to be
conducted to the same time step for the purpose of carrying out power system calculations …

Probabilistic Harmonic Power Flow Calculations with Uncertain and Correlated Data

G Chicco, A Mazza, A Russo, V Cocina… - … , and Economics of …, 2017‏ -
Early research on probabilistic harmonic power flow (PHPF) was conducted more than 40
years ago, when mathematical analysis was used on instantaneous values of current from …

Sea-wave power converter modeling for fault conditions analysis

F de Bosio, M Pastorelli, A Mazza… - 2015 IEEE …, 2015‏ -
This paper investigates the contribution of a three-phase inverter used for the grid
connection of a wave energy generation to the short-circuit currents when a grid fault occurs …

A hybrid false data defense mechanism based on PMU & interval state estimation

T Yang, H Wang, J Ruan, S Aziz, J Peng, H Jiang - 11th IET International …, 2018‏ - IET
In this paper, a mechanism of detecting false data based on phasor measurement unit
(PMU) supervisory control and data acquisition SCADA is established, according to the …

Probabilistic Harmonic Power Flow Calculations with Uncertain and Correlated Data.................................................................. Filippo Spertino

G Chicco, A Mazza, A Russo… - Smart and Sustainable …, 2017‏ -
Probabilistic Harmonic Power Flow Calculations with Uncertain and Corr Skip to main
content Breadcrumbs Section. Click here to navigate to respective pages. Chapter …