[HTML][HTML] A critical review of real-time modelling of flood forecasting in urban drainage systems
There has been a strong tendency in recent decades to develop real-time urban flood
prediction models for early warning to the public due to a large number of worldwide urban …
prediction models for early warning to the public due to a large number of worldwide urban …
The impact of increased flooding occurrence on the mobility of potentially toxic elements in floodplain soil–A review
The frequency and duration of flooding events is increasing due to land-use changes
increasing run-off of precipitation, and climate change causing more intense rainfall events …
increasing run-off of precipitation, and climate change causing more intense rainfall events …
The Pakistan flood of August 2022: causes and implications
The risk of floods has increased in South Asia due to high vulnerability and exposure. The
August 2022 Pakistan flood shows a glimpse of the enormity and devastation that can further …
August 2022 Pakistan flood shows a glimpse of the enormity and devastation that can further …
[HTML][HTML] SM2RAIN–ASCAT (2007–2018): global daily satellite rainfall data from ASCAT soil moisture observations
Long-term gridded precipitation products are crucial for several applications in hydrology,
agriculture and climate sciences. Currently available precipitation products suffer from space …
agriculture and climate sciences. Currently available precipitation products suffer from space …
[HTML][HTML] RF-MEP: A novel Random Forest method for merging gridded precipitation products and ground-based measurements
The accurate representation of spatio-temporal patterns of precipitation is an essential input
for numerous environmental applications. However, the estimation of precipitation patterns …
for numerous environmental applications. However, the estimation of precipitation patterns …
Evaluation of 23 gridded precipitation datasets across West Africa
This study aims reporting on 23 gridded precipitation datasets (P-datasets) reliability across
West Africa through direct comparisons with rain gauges measurement at the daily and …
West Africa through direct comparisons with rain gauges measurement at the daily and …
[HTML][HTML] Satellite-based flood map** through Bayesian inference from a sentinel-1 SAR datacube
Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) are well-established systems for flood
map**, thanks to their high sensitivity towards water surfaces and their independence …
map**, thanks to their high sensitivity towards water surfaces and their independence …
River basin-scale flood hazard assessment using a modified multi-criteria decision analysis approach: A case study
Flood is a major natural hazard with extremely large impact on social-ecological systems.
Therefore, develo** reliable and efficient tools to identify areas vulnerable to potential …
Therefore, develo** reliable and efficient tools to identify areas vulnerable to potential …
A review of alternative climate products for SWAT modelling: Sources, assessment and future directions
Alternative climate products, such as gauge-based gridded data, ground-based weather
radar, satellite precipitation and climate reanalysis products, are being increasingly applied …
radar, satellite precipitation and climate reanalysis products, are being increasingly applied …
[HTML][HTML] Potential of satellite and reanalysis evaporation datasets for hydrological modelling under various model calibration strategies
Twelve actual evaporation datasets are evaluated for their ability to improve the
performance of the fully distributed mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM). The datasets …
performance of the fully distributed mesoscale Hydrologic Model (mHM). The datasets …