Potential applications of subseasonal‐to‐seasonal (S2S) predictions
While seasonal outlooks have been operational for many years, until recently the extended‐
range timescale referred to as subseasonal‐to‐seasonal (S2S) has received little attention …
range timescale referred to as subseasonal‐to‐seasonal (S2S) has received little attention …
Value of long‐term streamflow forecasts to reservoir operations for water supply in snow‐dominated river catchments
We present a forecast‐based adaptive management framework for water supply reservoirs
and evaluate the contribution of long‐term inflow forecasts to reservoir operations. Our …
and evaluate the contribution of long‐term inflow forecasts to reservoir operations. Our …
Challenges for integrating seasonal climate forecasts in user applications
CAS Coelho, SMS Costa - Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2010 - Elsevier
This review discusses the challenges for integrating seasonal climate forecast information in
user applications within the design of a simplified end-to-end forecasting system framework …
user applications within the design of a simplified end-to-end forecasting system framework …
Effect of streamflow forecast uncertainty on real-time reservoir operation
Various hydrological forecast products have been applied to real-time reservoir operation,
including deterministic streamflow forecast (DSF), DSF-based probabilistic streamflow …
including deterministic streamflow forecast (DSF), DSF-based probabilistic streamflow …
A weather‐regime‐based stochastic weather generator for climate vulnerability assessments of water systems in the western United States
Vulnerability‐based frameworks are increasingly used to better understand water system
performance under climate change. This work advances the use of stochastic weather …
performance under climate change. This work advances the use of stochastic weather …
CFSv2-based sub-seasonal precipitation and temperature forecast skill over the contiguous United States
This paper explored the potential of a global climate model for sub-seasonal forecasting of
precipitation and 2 m air temperature. The categorical forecast skill of 10 precipitation and …
precipitation and 2 m air temperature. The categorical forecast skill of 10 precipitation and …
Identifying effective forecast horizon for real‐time reservoir operation under a limited inflow forecast
The use of a streamflow forecast for real‐time reservoir operation is constrained by forecast
uncertainty (FU) and limited forecast horizon (FH). The effects of the two factors are …
uncertainty (FU) and limited forecast horizon (FH). The effects of the two factors are …
Dynamic reservoir management with real‐option risk hedging as a robust adaptation to nonstationary climate
S Steinschneider, C Brown - Water Resources Research, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
The implications of climate change and the potential nonstationarity of the hydrologic record
necessitate innovative approaches to water management. This study presents a novel …
necessitate innovative approaches to water management. This study presents a novel …
Bridging the gap between weather and seasonal forecasting: intraseasonal forecasting for Australia
This study examines the potential use of the Predictive Ocean Atmosphere Model for
Australia (POAMA), the Bureau of Meteorology's dynamical seasonal forecast system, as an …
Australia (POAMA), the Bureau of Meteorology's dynamical seasonal forecast system, as an …
Quantifying predictive uncertainty of streamflow forecasts based on a Bayesian joint probability model
Uncertainty is inherent in streamflow forecasts and is an important determinant of the utility
of forecasts for water resources management. However, predictions by deterministic models …
of forecasts for water resources management. However, predictions by deterministic models …