Appraisal theories of emotion: State of the art and future development
120 Emotion Review Vol. 5 No. 2 and a feeling component with subjective experience or
feelings. The emotion process is continuous and recursive. Changes in one component feed …
feelings. The emotion process is continuous and recursive. Changes in one component feed …
Understanding all inconsistency compensation as a palliative response to violated expectations
It has been repeatedly shown that, when people have experiences that are inconsistent with
their expectations, they engage in a variety of compensatory efforts. Although there have …
their expectations, they engage in a variety of compensatory efforts. Although there have …
Threat and defense: From anxiety to approach
The social psychological literature on threat and defense is fragmented. Groups of
researchers have focused on distinct threats, such as mortality, uncertainty, uncontrollability …
researchers have focused on distinct threats, such as mortality, uncertainty, uncontrollability …
The five “A” s of meaning maintenance: Finding meaning in the theories of sense-making
Across eras and literatures, multiple theories have converged on a broad psychological
phenomenon: the common compensation behaviors that follow from violations of our …
phenomenon: the common compensation behaviors that follow from violations of our …
Contingencies of self-worth
J Crocker, KM Knight - Current directions in psychological …, 2005 - journals.sagepub.com
We argue that the importance of self-esteem lies in what people believe they need to be or
do to have worth as a person. These contingencies of self-worth are both sources of …
do to have worth as a person. These contingencies of self-worth are both sources of …
Integration of two skeptical emotion theories: Dimensional appraisal theory and Russell's psychological construction theory
A Moors - Psychological Inquiry, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This inquiry attempts to integrate two skeptical emotion theories: dimensional appraisal
theory and Russell's (2003) psychological construction theory. To bring out the skeptical …
theory and Russell's (2003) psychological construction theory. To bring out the skeptical …
Anxious uncertainty and reactive approach motivation (RAM).
In 4 experiments anxious uncertainty threats caused reactive approach motivation (RAM). In
Studies 1 and 2, academic anxious uncertainty threats caused RAM as assessed by …
Studies 1 and 2, academic anxious uncertainty threats caused RAM as assessed by …
Exercising self-control increases approach motivation.
The present research tested the hypothesis that exercising self-control causes an increase
in approach motivation. Study 1 found that exercising (vs. not exercising) self-control …
in approach motivation. Study 1 found that exercising (vs. not exercising) self-control …
Individual differences in self-esteem.
G MacDonald, MR Leary - 2012 - psycnet.apa.org
Trait self-esteem ranks among the most widely investigated yet misunderstood constructs in
behavioral science. Despite the fact that thousands of studies have examined individual …
behavioral science. Despite the fact that thousands of studies have examined individual …
Compensating, resisting, and breaking: A meta-analytic examination of reactions to self-esteem threat
Much research has identified how people react to receiving threatening information about
the self. The purpose of this article is to discuss such experiences in the context of a model …
the self. The purpose of this article is to discuss such experiences in the context of a model …