Tectonics, hydrothermalism, and paleoclimate recorded by Quaternary travertines and their spatio-temporal distribution in the Albegna basin, central Italy: Insights on …

G Vignaroli, G Berardi, A Billi, S Kele… - …, 2016‏ - pubs.geoscienceworld.org
Abstract The Neogene–Quaternary Albegna basin (southern Tuscany, central Italy), located
to the south of the active geothermal field of Monte Amiata, hosts fossil and active …

Combined glacio-eustatic forcing and volcano-tectonic uplift: Geomorphological and geochronological constraints on the Tiber River terraces in the eastern Vulsini …

F Marra, L Costantini, GM Di Buduo, F Florindo… - Global and Planetary …, 2019‏ - Elsevier
In the present paper, we analyze the regional interplay between glacio-eustasy and volcano-
tectonic uplift on the Tyrrhenian Sea margin of central Italy. We reconstruct a succession of …

[HTML][HTML] Belt-parallel shortening in the Northern Apennines and seismotectonic implications

M Viti, E Mantovani, D Babbucci, C Tamburelli… - International Journal of …, 2015‏ - scirp.org
Major seismic activity in the Northern Apennines concentrates in few zones, distributed in a
peculiar way. It is argued that such context may be plausibly explained as an effect of belt …

The Bucobello 322 ka-fossil-bearing volcaniclastic-flow deposit in the eastern Vulsini Volcanic District (central Italy): Mechanism of emplacement and insights on …

GM Di Buduo, L Costantini, I Fiore, F Marra… - Quaternary …, 2020‏ - Elsevier
We present a multidisciplinary study of a fossiliferous site located in the Vulsini Volcanic
District, on the western side of the Tiber River Valley north of Rome, highlighting the peculiar …

[PDF][PDF] Tectonics, hydrothermalism, and paleoclimate recorded by Quaternary travertines and their spatio-temporal distribution in the Albegna basin, central Italy …

A Billi, S Kele - 2016‏ - academia.edu
ABSTRACT The Neogene–Quaternary Albegna basin (southern Tuscany, central Italy),
located to the south of the active geothermal field of Monte Amiata, hosts fossil and active …

[ספר][B] Stima aggiornata della pericolosità sismica in Toscana e aree circostanti

E Mantovani, M Viti, D Babbucci, C Tamburelli… - 2018‏ - books.google.com
Il confronto tra i danni che si sono verificati durante i terremoti del 2016 nell'Italia centrale e
quelli previsti (con altissime probabilità) dalle carte di pericolosità attuali hanno chiaramente …


IDC DI, TSN ZONA, V L'ASINELLO‏ - researchgate.net
Lo studio dettagliato dei corpi autocostruiti formati attorno alla sorgente idrotermale
dell'Asinello (Viterbo, Lazio settentrionale) permette di ricostruire la dinamica deposizionale …

[PDF][PDF] I travertini quaternari caratteri sedimentologici, geo

RDS DI NAPOLI, F II‏ - core.ac.uk
Questa ricerca vuole apportare nuovi dati sui travertini dell'Italia meridionale e in particolare
sulle relazioni che legano la deposizione di corpi travertinosi alla distribuzione di sorgenti …