Groundwater potential zone map** in the Ghaggar River Basin, North-West India, using integrated remote sensing and GIS techniques

RK Upadhyay, G Tripathi, B Đurin, S Šamanović, V Cetl… - Water, 2023‏ -
The immense dependence of the growing population on groundwater has resulted in
depletion at a fast pace can be seen nowadays. Identifying a groundwater potential zone …

[ספר][B] Prehistoric River Saraswati, Western India

KS Valdiya - 2016‏ - Springer
The Society of Earth Scientists Series aims to publish selected conference proceedings,
monographs, edited topical books/text books by leading scientists and experts in the field of …

Development of a hyper-avulsive river course during the Holocene on the Himalayan frontal plains

UD Saha, S Bhattacharya, HN Bhattacharya, A Islam… - Catena, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The rivers flowing over the Quaternary foreland plains of the Himalayas embody a history of
hyper-avulsiveness. The present study is an attempt to identify a major flow trajectory of the …

[PDF][PDF] Groundwater Potential Zone Map** in the Ghaggar River Basin, North-West India, Using Integrated Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Water 2023, 15 …

RK Upadhyay, G Tripathi, B Durin, S Samanovi, V Cetl - 2023‏ -
The immense dependence of the growing population on groundwater has resulted in
depletion at a fast pace can be seen nowadays. Identifying a groundwater potential zone …

A Geospatial Approach for Map** and Delineation of Palaeochannels of Ghaggar Basin, North-West India, for Groundwater Development to Meet Sustainable …

RK Upadhyay, N Kishore, M Sharma - Recent Trends in River Corridor …, 2022‏ - Springer
The palaeochannels or palaorivers are the remains of the rivers or stream courses that
carried water in the past, but in the present scenario, they are lost rivers and are left with …