Toward a theory of strategic change: A multi-lens perspective and integrative framework

N Rajagopalan, GM Spreitzer - Academy of management review, 1997 -
We provide a comprehensive review of the strategic change literature from the perspective
of three theoretical lenses: the rational, learning, and cognitive lenses. We identify empirical …

Do not cross me: Optimizing the use of cross-sectional designs

PE Spector - Journal of business and psychology, 2019 - Springer
The cross-sectional research design, especially when used with self-report surveys, is held
in low esteem despite its widespread use. It is generally accepted that the longitudinal …

Business model innovation in small-and medium-sized enterprises: Strategies for industry 4.0 providers and users

JM Müller - Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, 2019 -
Purpose Industry 4.0 is expected to significantly transform industrial value creation.
However, research on business models affected through Industry 4.0, and on small-and …

Organizational innovation, technological innovation, and export performance: The effects of innovation radicalness and extensiveness

G Azar, F Ciabuschi - International business review, 2017 - Elsevier
This study focuses on the relevance of different types of innovation for firms' export
performance. Despite ample research on the innovation–performance relationship, previous …

How the industrial internet of things changes business models in different manufacturing industries

C Arnold, D Kiel, KI Voigt - International Journal of Innovation …, 2016 - World Scientific
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) poses large impacts on business models (BM) of
established manufacturing companies within several industries. Thus, this paper aims at …

[HTML][HTML] Disentangling the antecedents of ambidexterity: Exploration and exploitation

O Koryak, A Lockett, J Hayton, N Nicolaou, K Mole - Research policy, 2018 - Elsevier
We view ambidexterity as a paradox whereby its components, exploration and exploitation,
generate persistent and conflicting demands on an organization. Drawing on the attention …

The case study method in family business research: Guidelines for qualitative scholarship

A De Massis, J Kotlar - Journal of family business strategy, 2014 - Elsevier
In this article, we provide guidelines that are useful to family business researchers when
deciding whether and how to use case studies as well as to reviewers and editors when …

The role of IS capabilities in the development of multi-sided platforms: The digital ecosystem strategy of Alibaba. com

B Tan, SL Pan, X Lu, L Huang - Journal of the Association for …, 2015 -
Multi-sided platforms (MSP) are revolutionizing the global competitive landscape in the new
networked economy. Yet, although these MSPs are underpinned by information systems …

Linking two dimensions of entrepreneurial orientation to firm performance: The moderating role of environment and industry life cycle

GT Lumpkin, GG Dess - Journal of business venturing, 2001 - Elsevier
The term “entrepreneurial orientation” has been used to refer to the strategy-making
processes and styles of firms that engage in entrepreneurial activities. A popular model of …