Deep learning-based software engineering: progress, challenges, and opportunities
Researchers have recently achieved significant advances in deep learning techniques,
which in turn has substantially advanced other research disciplines, such as natural …
which in turn has substantially advanced other research disciplines, such as natural …
TBar: Revisiting template-based automated program repair
We revisit the performance of template-based APR to build comprehensive knowledge
about the effectiveness of fix patterns, and to highlight the importance of complementary …
about the effectiveness of fix patterns, and to highlight the importance of complementary …
Spectrum-based software fault localization: A survey of techniques, advances, and challenges
Despite being one of the most basic tasks in software development, debugging is still
performed in a mostly manual way, leading to high cost and low performance. To address …
performed in a mostly manual way, leading to high cost and low performance. To address …
Deepfl: Integrating multiple fault diagnosis dimensions for deep fault localization
Learning-based fault localization has been intensively studied recently. Prior studies have
shown that traditional Learning-to-Rank techniques can help precisely diagnose fault …
shown that traditional Learning-to-Rank techniques can help precisely diagnose fault …
Vuldeelocator: a deep learning-based fine-grained vulnerability detector
Automatically detecting software vulnerabilities is an important problem that has attracted
much attention from the academic research community. However, existing vulnerability …
much attention from the academic research community. However, existing vulnerability …
Practitioners' expectations on automated fault localization
Software engineering practitioners often spend significant amount of time and effort to
debug. To help practitioners perform this crucial task, hundreds of papers have proposed …
debug. To help practitioners perform this crucial task, hundreds of papers have proposed …
A survey on software fault localization
Software fault localization, the act of identifying the locations of faults in a program, is widely
recognized to be one of the most tedious, time consuming, and expensive-yet equally critical …
recognized to be one of the most tedious, time consuming, and expensive-yet equally critical …
Precise condition synthesis for program repair
Due to the difficulty of repairing defect, many research efforts have been devoted into
automatic defect repair. Given a buggy program that fails some test cases, a typical …
automatic defect repair. Given a buggy program that fails some test cases, a typical …
An empirical study of fault localization families and their combinations
The performance of fault localization techniques is critical to their adoption in practice. This
paper reports on an empirical study of a wide range of fault localization techniques on real …
paper reports on an empirical study of a wide range of fault localization techniques on real …
The DStar method for effective software fault localization
Effective debugging is crucial to producing reliable software. Manual debugging is
becoming prohibitively expensive, especially due to the growing size and complexity of …
becoming prohibitively expensive, especially due to the growing size and complexity of …